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Y/ns POV
I did not expect to wake up to a horrible headache and nausea the day of my wedding. I sit up and realize I'm in Lizzie's bed with her and what looks like MK next to me but my head is pounding so hard that I can't even tell which twin it is. I jump over Lizzie and wobble to the bathroom intime to hurl my guts into the toilet. This is all Lizzie's fault. When we got back to her house we walked into a complete rager. I told her to drop me off at a hotel but she insisted I had to stay with her. Turns out Milo Greene signed a contract extension and are going on tour soon so Robbie and his band mates invited some people over and it just turned huge. I honestly had no clue who half the people were until Travis Barker showed up. It was actually fun but ofcourse I'm paying for it now.

"Y/n?" I hear behind me and turn from my hunched position to see Lizzie at the door.

"It is I" I say and sit down leaning against her tub.

"I'm glad you threw up now. You won't feel sick later and can enjoy your big day" she says sleepily but super happy. "Do you want to go back to sleep? It's only 7am" she asks.

"What we're you doing up?" I ask

"I always get up this early to check my garden. But I heard you and wanted to make sure you weren't dead" she laughs

"Can I come check with you?" Which earns a weird look from Lizzie. Some between a loving look and a 'what do you want' look.

"I'd love if you came to my garden with me." She says with a huge smile and I stand up facing the sink. I wash my face and here Liz rummage through her drawers and see a toothbrush laid next to me on the counter.

"Thank god, I thought I was going to have to use my finger because I forgot mine." I laugh.

"I'm just going to put a coffee pot on. I'll meet you in the kitchen." She says walking out of the bathroom. I brush my teeth and go through her cabinets for any kind of headache relief. I find the medicine and take two tablets before heading down to meet Lizzie. I walk into the kitchen as she's getting her boots on and follow her over to the back sliding glass door.

"I'm gonna steal Robbie's crocs for a min. Don't think he'll mind right?" I ask already slipping my feet into his shoes.

"He will probably yell at you for putting them in sport mode" she teases and I look down realizing I did and laugh with her.

I follow her through her backyard into her garden and look around. It looks bigger than last time. I spot the tomatoes are walk toward them while Lizzie looks over her other veggies. I snap a perfectly ripe tomato off a vine and take a bite into it.

"Y/nnnnn" Lizzie whines. "You have to wash them first"

"A little dirt never killed me." I said to which she just rolled her eyes. She picked up two pairs of gloves and threw one at me.

"Help me harvest the potatoes" she says. I follow her over to a couple long rectangular boxes full of dirt and long stemmed vines. Half the leaves look like they were dead and I give Lizzie a questioning look. "Are you sure there not rotten"

"That only means they are ready to be picked." She says and gets on her knees infront of the box. I watch as she digs her hand through the dirt and pulls up all these little potatoes.

"Aw there so cute!" I say picking up the little ones.

"Now get to work" she says pointing to another box of dirt and dead leaves. I quickly get to work and I'm not gonna lie it's kind of therapeutic. Digging around searching for these little balls of deliciousness. Every time I find one, 8 feel a couple more the more I move and it's so satisfying pulling them up through there dirt and into the basket.

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