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Scarlett's POV
I awake to mumbling and murmurs. I go to roll over when I feel how sore my legs are. I grunt alittle but manage to roll over to see y/n sitting up against the headboard and it looks like she's talking to someone on the phone. I can hear them too ..wait is that my daughter?

"You got it Rosie, sound it out slowly." Y/n says softly

"Per-sis-tent, persistent. Is that right?" Rose asks

"Yess great job flower!" Y/n says quietly but excited with a huge beautiful smile

"What's that mean?" Rose asks and y/n giggles

"Like you pressure someone to do something over and over" y/n explains

"Oh okay! Thanks y/n. Can I keep reading?"rose asks

"Of course I need to know what happens?" Y/n replies goofily

As I hear the voice read the rest of the words I hear y/ns comments throughout the reading and I love that she can bond with my daughter without me. She must notice me wake up
Now cause she points the phone at me and I hear

"Mommaaa!!" I hear being yelled from the FaceTime

"Hi sweets! Whatcha doing!" I say still groggy

"I needed help with a word so y/n helped me! Now I'm reading her the rest of the chapter I'm on in Harry Potter! Did you know she likes Harry Potter too. And she's a Gryffindor like me!!" She rambles

"That's nice Rosiebear! We all can't be hufflepuff like mommy" I tease them both

"Sorry mommy dads awake now I have to go eat breakfast." Rose says into the phone and after we all say goodbye she hangs up.

"Good morning beautiful. How'd you sleep?" Y/n leans over giving me a kiss.

"Like a baby. Did rose call you?" I ask not believing my daughter a little.

"Yeah really early. She needed help pronouncing some words and I couldn't let her just be alone. Plus I enjoyed the story. She's reading so well lately." She says like a proud mom. The feeling in my heart is ready to burst and I can't help but fall alittle more inlove with her.

"Thank you baby. I love you. And I love how wel you two get along. It makes my heart so happy." I say to her and close the gap to feel her soft lips upon mine once more.

"I love you too sweets. Want to go out and grab breakfast?" She asks

"Oooh yes can we go to Raymond's?" I say excitedly

"Sure. I wanted to pick up a cake for Anna also. It's her birthday tomorrow." She explains

"You're so thoughtful." I say. We quickly get dressed and head into her garage.

"Pick one" she says turning to me.

"I haven't been in the Ferrari yet" I smirk at her. And she grabs the keys twirling them around her finger and opening the passenger side door for me. She closes my door and slides across the hood of her car to the other side and can't help but laugh. She gets in her side laughing as well and winks at me.

"Smooth baby" I whisper to her while gripping her upper arm and wrapping my arms on it while leaning my head to her shoulder. We drive like that to Raymond's and she parks in the back like the first time I met her here. We walk into the kitchen and it's early enough to see the baking being done.

"Harry! Hey! Can we help!" I hear y/n ask him.

"Ohhh heyyyy of course come on go wash ur hands" he yells back while rolling the dough out.

My Everything (Scarlett Johansson)Where stories live. Discover now