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Scarlett's POV
"Are you ready for this?" I ask y/n who's sitting in the passenger seat of my car. She's fiddling with the end of her blazer and I see her pulling the strings out.

"Uh yeah. Let's go." She says as she shakes away her nerves and I see her visibly straighten her posture and just like that all her confidence comes straight back.

We get out and walk through the parking garage and into the elevator. Y/n is completely focused on the elevator doors. She's clutching her briefcase so hard I can see her knuckles turning white. I inch closer to her and grab her hand and she shifts her eyes to me.

"It will be okay and I'll be with you the whole time." I say to her staring into her gorgeous blue eyes. I see the corner of her lips twitch up a little bit she just nods and puts on a stoic face. The elector door opens and we see Kate waiting for us in the hall before we get to the door of the office.

"Hey! She's not here yet. I was just about to order breakfast actually. Do you guys want anything?" She asks and I turn and look at y/n.

"Just coffee please." She says and I shake my head agreeing.

"Me too. And a bagel. Toasted with cream cheese please" I says and Kate smiles and we walk inside the office. Y/n walk directly into the conference room and walks to the furthest chair in the back corner of the room and places her briefcase in it and sits in the chair next to it. I decide to leave her be for a minute and walk by my desk to put my stuff down. I glance at my calendar and see there's not many things to do this week. I also go over some papers that needed my signature and I'm pulled out of my concentration when a knock comes from the door of the office.

I look up to see y/n and she's just leaning on the doorframe smiling with her arms crossed. Let me tell you, I love anything she wears but something about her in any form of a suit drives me crazy. This particular one had a crop top underneath since it's pretty warm out and her abs are just hanging out for me to drool over.

"How long have you been watching me?" I say lowly.

"A minute or two. I couldn't help myself." She says "you look adorable when you concentrate."

"Yeah right I'm sure I look more like a toddler trying to figure out how to read." I say

"No it's cute. And when you stick your tongue out when your almost done, that's my favorite part." She says walking closer and leaning on the edge of my desk. "I know what that tongue can do so any time I see it, it makes my panties wet" she says lowly.

"What else does it do to you?" I ask smirking and leaning back in my chair.

"Hmm I'll tell you later tonight. I don't like starting things I can't finish." She says and good thing she said that cause Kate walks in and gives us both a look. The look that tells us that Lilly is here. I see y/n throw on her lawyer face and walk out of my office and straight into the conference room. Since there's two doors she doesn't have to walk through the waiting area into, instead she walks through the other part of the office. I can see the way Thomas and Lilly both freeze seeing that she is there through the glass wall. Thomas leans in and says something to Lilly which makes her gulp. I head into the waiting area to greet them.

"Hey Lilly! Nice to see you again. You can follow me in here and we can show you some ideas we had." I say shaking her hand. She steps forward to follow me and so does Thomas. I put my hand on his shoulder and he looks over to me.

"You can wait here. Feel free to help yourself to a drink or snack" I say pointing to the bar cart full of stuff. I lead Lilly into the conference room and close the door. Thank god the room is sound proof.

"Hi Lilly. Please sit down." Y/n says to her younger sister.

Lilly sits across from her, With her back to the glass wall. Y/n takes some papers and lays them out one by one infromt of Lilly until the four pieces of paper are staring back up at Lilly.

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