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Nobody's POV

THE 3 girls are waiting for y/n to get home. When they hear what sounds like a car door close they all look at eacotjer and perk up a little on the couch. Y/n walks in and doesn't even look at anyone on her couch. She goes to walk right past them but Lizzie breaks the silence.

"Hey y/n. Wanna hangout with us for a little?"

"Gimme a few" she says walking past them going up the stairs.

"Y/n wait. Come sit first. You can wait a minute to change can't you?" Anna says to her.

"Just a sec" y/n reply's back coldly, not making eye contact.

"No come down here" Lizzie says. Scarlett hasn't said a word. Just watching y/n demeanor.

"Just give me a minute Jesus Christ." Y/n shouts. She doesn't wait for a reply and goes upstairs to change.

"She'll be fast because we have her drugs." Anna whispers to the girls.

Y/n comes back down still dressed in her clothes from the courthouse. Black skirt, pencil shape, white blouse, her black blazer but no shoes. She's barefoot. She looks a little angry but she doesn't say anything. Just goes to the bar cart and grabs the bottle of scotch and sits down on the couch.

"Well" y/n  says out into the room towards the group of woman staring at her. She takes a swig of alcohol and she makes no face.

"What's going on honey? I'm worried about you and so is Lizzie and Anna." Scarlett starts saying softly.

"Nothing at all scar. Just tired" she says rolling her eyes.

"Your drinking a handle of scotch like it's a water bottle y/n. Are you doing drugs." Anna just comes out and says it.

"Get the fuck out." Y/n says to her.

"Cmon I know you better than these girls here. I've seen you at your lowest. Why are you doing these?" Anna says slamming the two baggies onto the coffee table.

"Not mine. I took them away from Johnny." She says nonchalantly

"Bull shit y/n. Scar told me about the mood swings. And you nodding off. We just want to help you." Lizzie yells at her

"Fuck you. I don't need you." She says spitting towards Lizzie.

"What ur starting to come down from ur high so ur angry? I bet you want to pop a pill or snort a like right about now? Don't you?" Anna teases y/n

Y/n eyes the baggies and then looks back up and Anna, then Lizzie. Not once looking at Scar.

"Go ahead do it. But you'll lose everyone in this room. We will walk away and take the drugs with us letting you suffer by yourself." Anna says staring at y/n.

"Fuck you Anna. I don't need you or her." Y/n says to Anna Pointing at Lizzie. "And you know as well as I do that your not going anywhere. So excuse me but I just need one line." She says while sitting on the couch and starts to grab the baggy

"Y/n, baby, please stop. Please we can do this together. I'll stay by your side helping you through every withdrawal and every hard day. Just pease don't do this." Scarlett begs y/n standing right in front of the coffee table, across from her now.

Y/n looks up at Scarlett for the first time and Scarlett see y/n empty blue eyes. The blue is dull and it barley looks like there is life left in her eyes. She opens the baggy of cocaine and starts to pour out a line On the table.

Then comes a bunch of frantic knocks on the door. Lizzie runs to the door opening it and in walks her sisters.

"Guys it's not a good time" Lizzie tries telling them but they push her out of the way.

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