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Scarlett's POV

"Cut! Perfect guys. That's a wrap for today!" Kevin calls out and I watch as Flo and Renner come off the platform and unhook from the wires.

"That was sick! I was flying!" Flo squeals and I laugh at her.

"You've been doing this for a while now, you think she'd be used it" I say aloud and everyone laughs around me.  Flo and I walk off set towards the trailers.

"Do you have to be here like all the time since your a producer?" She asks

"Eh kind of. I oversee specific scenes, so I'm always here for those. Other times I choose ones I think I could learn something from and watch joe or Anthony and try to pick up on things they say." I say and she nods.

"Always learning you smarty pants. So I guess I'll see you tomorrow" she says stopping front of her trailer. Mine is right across from hers so I stop too.

"Tomorrow I'll be late. I want to drive y/n to work!" I say

"Oh yesss I have to text her good luck, see ya Scar!" She says before going into her trailer. I open the door to my trailer not looking forward to some paperwork I have to do but am pleasantly surprised when I see y/n sitting in the trailer waiting for me.

"Baby!" I squeal and run over, jumping on her lap as she sits on my couch. "What are you doing here?"

"I finished grocery shopping, cleaned the whole house, cut the entire property of grass and i couldn't be home anymore. Rose is at soccer practice so here I am." She says smiling.

"Aw love the surprise. I'm glad you kept busy. You nervous about tomorrow?" I ask genuinely, I hate to see her worry.

"A little. I'm curious how it's different than Anna's office and looking forward to learning more but I'm not looking forward to meeting the new colleagues. Always awkward in the beggining" she chuckles

"Maybe it won't be! Maybe you'll get on right away with someone and they'll help break the ice. That's how I found Evans."

"You seeked him out to be your buddy?" She laughs

"More like he seeked me out! Told me he was scared of getting lost and was going to follow me around all day since we shot the same scene"

"You're kidding! Big and bad Chris is not so big and bad!" She laughs

"Please make sure you tease him about that. He keeps scaring the crap out of me on set." I laugh

Her hands slide up my back rubbing softly. It feels nice and I bow my head getting lost in the feeling.
"I will" she says and I look up at her goofy smile. That same goofy smile I fell in love with when she was just letting rose and I stay in her house. I'll never get used to feeling so secure and safe in our relationship.

I'm brought out of my thoughts when y/n and I hear yelling. "FUCK YOU!! YOU CANT DO THAT!"

"Uhh is that Flo?" Y/n says looking at me

"I-" "NO FUCK YOU ZACH" we hear again and get up to look outside the trailer. Y/n opens the door and then immediately starts running out of the trailer and I follow her into Flos where we hear the yelling coming from.

When I enter I see Flo hysterically crying on the floor and y/n next to her trying to get her up but she won't stand.

"Flo what happened?" I try to say but she's still screaming into the phone.

"Flo...FLO!" Y/n yells and Flo just throws the phone against the wall and I watch the screen shatter.

"Florence what happened" I say and grab her shoulder so she will look at us. She looks up but her eyes are full of tears and my heart breaks for her.

My Everything (Scarlett Johansson)Where stories live. Discover now