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Scarlett's POV
Todays the day! The day I surprise y/n with my little plan to go to Italy. So obviously I'm up at the crack of dawn, too nervous to sleep. It killed me yesterday seeing her to out of it. I knew the second she was zoning out it was either a nightmare or an email from work. I just wish she could escape the nightmares because I know I could handle work for her. I can't control her brain though. Maybe Lizzie can help me show her therapy isn't all bad. I think it could really help her.

"Babe go back to sleep" I hear her mumble.

"Is someone tired?" I tease

"Says the one who wanted to go rounds after dinner last night" she laughs and turns over to face me in bed. I feel her fingers gliding overs my thigh the hips and resting on the side of my stomach.

"Not apologizing for making love to my wife" I say and see her eyes twinkle. Gosh she's beautiful. "We have to get up we're leaving" I blurt out

"What do you mean leaving?" She asks

"I wanted to surprise you but once we get to the next place you will figure it out so, we're not just going to spend our honeymoon here, I also booked us at a brilliantly gorgeous hotel in Italy." And her jaw drops

"Italy! Which part?"

"Mostly by the Almafi coast but we're stopping in Rome first." I say and see her smile spread over her face. That's how I like her, happy.

"I can't wait! Ugh what time is it?" She asks and I glance at the clock.

"6:03 plane leaves at 8 but it's a little drive from here. I already packed us and hotel is bringing coffee and fruit up innnn 20 minutes" I say looking at the clock again

"You've thought of everything."

"I have" I say with a smile.

She sits up in bed scrolling on her phone while I lean on her shoulder looking too. She looks at some texts she got, one from her boss Anthony, just wishing her fun that he sent a couple days ago. Then Lizzie texted asking how it was.

"Do you mind if I call Lizzie real quick? I want to see how she's feeling with the baby"

"Of course my love. I love how much you care for her."

"I know we bicker and fight a lot but she's my family. I always thought of her like that even after not seeing her for so long" she says and I nod.

I know what it's like to have siblings bickering at each other. It's normal and I like that y/n has a relationship with someone that she feels comfortable enough to do that with. Especially having such a strained relationship with your real sister.

"Hey Lizzie, how are you doing?" I hear her ask her but can't hear Lizzie's response over the phone.

"Good yeah it's amazing here."
"Yep we saw the tower, had an amazing dinner last night too. Now she's whisking me away to Italy!"
"I know I'm shocked. Wait you knew!?"
"Nah you're lucky you have a little human inside you or I'd tackle you the second I see you"
"How is the firecracker doing? Any pictures yet?"
"I dunno how it works!? I thought you get a sonogram"
"Oh okay so two weeks?" "Cool cool"
"Yeah yeah I know, I'll tell her. Ok. Ok. Yeah love you Lizzie,bye!" She hangs up with her and smiles at me.

"Her and baby are doing good, she's gets a picture thingy soon so we can see the little blob! Andddd she ratted you out saying she helped you plan the Italy trip" she narrows her eyes at me.

"I just needed opinions and couldn't ask you!" I tease

"I know I'm only kidding love" she says and answers the door when it's knocked on. She drags the tray of fruit and coffee inside and we sit down enjoying a peaceful meal before we have to jump on a plane.

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