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Im woken by loud banging on my front door. I go to sit up my headache is so bad I have to squeeze my head between my hands a little to stop it from pounding. It doesnt work but atleast I can stand to walk to the door to see who is going to break it down. I swing the door open to be met by a very angry Lizzie.

"Finally!" She huffs and walks into my house.

"What fucking time is it?" I ask.

"5am." She says walking into my kitchen, starting the coffee pot.

"why are you here and not in LA?" I ask confused

"Do you not rememeber calling me yesterday?"She asks

"Uh, no i dont." I say truthfully

"you called me crying about thomas and lilly, i told you i was planning to fly here but you told me not too. but after the call last night i couldnt just sit at home while you suffer. and no way was i going to send my sisters over here so here i am." She says spinning around to face me at the end of her sentence.

Wow I feel guilty.

"Im sorry Liz." I say ashamed

"Dont be y/n. your my family and always will be. family always stick together." She says and I step closer to give her a hug. SHe wraps me in her bear hugs and it feels like im 12 again and shes calming me down after a big show.

The rest of the week goes by fast, Lizzie comes to all my meetings with me working on her own work but i enjoy the company. It definetly stops me from spiriling. Scar and I talk everynight. We text a little throughout the day but I miss her so much. Luckily only a few more days until shes home. And tomorrow I get to pick Rose up from school. Lizzie says she wants to stay until Scar gets back and even though ive told her she doesnt have to, im grateful she is staying anyway.

We are in my Ferrari on the way to pick up Rose and im finally feeling a little better. Leave it to the kid to change my mood.

"What song should i blast?" I say.

"Hmm..want to embarress her?" She asks smiling

"duh" i laugh

"Are disney songs too baby for her? Or maybe Spice Girls!" she say excitedly.

"Yes im in for spice girls. I love Wannabe." I say and as we pull up to the school i blast the song and step on and lean on my car waiting for Rose to come out.

She comes out a minute later running to me while i wave to her teacher.

"Y/nnn!!! Aunt Lizziee!!!" She yells as shes running.

"Hey little flower" I say picking her up and spinning her around once before putting her back down.

"I love this song!" She says and breaks out into a dance. A second later i see 3 other little girls come over and start dancing with her too. I pull my phone out to get a video to send to Scar and turn to look at Lizzie who is cracking up.

We end the dance paarty and get into the car.

"Looks like your plan backfired." Lizzie says when i buckle in.

"Howd you know that song flower?" I ask her and she smiles

"Mrs.Smith listens to it in class all the time." She says and i groan playfully.

"I was trying to embarress you! But your dance with your friends was better than I thought it could turn out." I say and Lizzie agrees

We drive to the store while blasting other songs and having a sing-a-long. We grab a cart and head into the store to buy some snacks.

My Everything (Scarlett Johansson)Where stories live. Discover now