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Y/ns POV

I'm now pacing in my living room. Scars tried to get me to sit down twice already but I can't. I just need to know what my sister wants and then we can get her out of my life again. When the doorbell rings I freeze and look at Lizzie and Scarlett. Scarlett gets up to answer the door and Lizzie mouths 'breathe' to me.

"Hey come on in" I hear Scarlett say and then I see her. My little sister. Her blonde hair is brunette, she looks thin almost sickly thin, and her eyes are very sunken into her face. She walks in and spots me and stop. "Hi" she says to me

"Hello" I say and motion for her to sit on the couch opposite me. Scarlett sits down next to me and Lizzie sits on the chair to the left of me.

"So" I say staring at Lilly. She's looking anywhere but me and I wish I knew why. "You said you were trying to get in contact with me? I only got one call at 3o clock in the morning." I say as monotone as I can.

"I have asked Thomas to try and get in contact with you multiple times. I um haven't been in the best condition lately so he has been my advocate." She says and I'm instantly confused

"Well I haven't gotten anything from Thomas besides that one time months ago he bumped into me spilling my coffee. And what do you mean haven't been in the best condition" I ask

"I'm sick y/n." She says and I see Lizzie turn to mush besides me. She always has a soft spot for people but my guard is still very much up. I'm thankful for Scarlett's touches on my hand because it's keeping me grounded.

"Take some medicine" I growl back

"Not like that. You were right. If I went down your path I wouldn't come back without a body bag right. Well now I'm slowly falling into one. And I realized how awful I've been to you and I just wanted to try to mend things before I was gone." She explains

"Shut up. I'm not falling for the 'your dying' trick. I'm not that fucking stupid. What do you really want? More money? Publicity now that I'm happy with someone.?" I list out angry at her

"I don't want anything. Besides my sister back" she says and I just scoff.

"What's wrong with you?" Scarlett asks.

"What isn't" I mumble under breath and Scar squeezes my hand to shut up.

"I have cardiomyopathy. Due to alcohol and drug use." She says "I am in heart failure and have about 6 months left to live. I've been on a transplant list but my last supporting artery just gave out so I'm no longer eligible. Now it's just a waiting game." She explains and I feel Scar stiffen in my hand.

"God Lilly" Lizzie says and weeps a little. I don't really know how to feel. I buried my sister so far down I never wanted to open that box again. She hurt me so bad. But now she's hurting and I'm going to lose her while I haven't even gotten her back.

"I just wanted to see you again. I'm not doing any shows anymore, I only went to The Outsets calling because I am setting up an account for runaway foster home kids and anything I earn from my YouTube series will go to them." She explains

"That's why you pulled out of contract with my sisters?" Lizzie asks and she nods.

"Please don't tell them. I wouldn't like anyone to know." She says. And Lizzie nods back.

"Still doesn't explain why Thomas was being creepy and then you said you told him to call me? I never got anything." I say snippy

"I asked him to call you multiple times. Twice I was in the hospital and he just said you didn't answer." She says

"Well he didn't call me. So why is he lieing" I ask

"I don't know" she yells back

"Your dating him! Or are you dating Robbie's brother!" I yell back

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