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Y/ns POV
"Hey flower!" I say excitedly as I help Rose into the car. I buckle her in and get attacked in hugs from her as I lean over to snap the seatbelt in place.

"Hi mama. I got lots of face masks for us" she says holding up a small bag full of things.

"Awesome! I need some TLC!" I say and close her door.

I open Scarlett's door for her as she approaches the truck and smile just seeing her. Her hair is tight in a bun, and she has on a black jumpsuit, with some flip flops. Casual but so damn sexy. "Hi my love" I say and wrap her into a hug. I let myself get lost in inhaling her scent and when she giggles I pull away.

"Hi cuddle bug" she says sweetly and pulls me into a kiss. Mmm her lips taste like cherry chapstick and they are super soft. I love her lips.

"I'm amazed at what a woman's body could do. And I can't wait until we can have our baby, and I can watch you be the badass mom you prove to be to Rose everyday." I say and see her smile grow on her face and the loving look in her eyes. I don't think I'll ever get used to having her look at me like that and having my body respond in many ways to just her eyes.

"Me too baby" she says and slides into the passenger seat. I slide into the drivers seat and make my way towards Joes for Lizzie's sandwich.

"Mama what's TLC?" Rose asks me

"TLC stands for tender love and care. I get lazy when I talk sometimes so I shorten it." I explain

"Oh so like OMG or LOL" rose says

"Yep. Exactly. Do you know what BFF stands for" I ask

"Best friends forever. That was too easy" rose laughs

"Ok smarty pants. What about DIY" Scarlett challenges. I suck in a breath and laugh at that choice.

"Going right for the throat huh babe?" I tease Scarlett. Throwing in a hard one right away is something scar would do.

"Do it yourself! I know that because daddy tried to diy a tree house after I asked him to build one like ours and it collapsed before I even got to go on it" rose says laughing. "He watched so many videos. They all had the DIY name in it" she says and sticks her tongue out at Scarlett. Scar can't see it but I catch her in the rear view mirror and laugh.

"How was work with mommy?" I ask rose. I see Scarlett's eyes fluttering closed and I lightly grab her hand and slide my fingers into her hand. I softly rub her hand with my thumb and lean my hand into her lap so she can get comfortable 

"It was fun, mommy let me draw on her white board today. And I drawed on the whole thing!" Rose squeals form the back seat.

"No way! I need to get one at home so you can decorate my office!" I say and she giggles at that. After stopping for some food and wine, yes I'm going to sneak that in, we finally arrive back at the hospital. Walking inside I don't feel that overwhelming feeling anymore. Maybe because I'm here for something happy. Or maybe I'm just actually growing the fuck up.

"I want to stop at the gift shop. They didn't have anything for celebrating you just gave birth at the liquor store" Scarlett says and I have to remember we are in a quiet area and stifle my laugh.

"Okay. Me and Rose will pick a stuffed animal. You get everything else" I laugh and grab the bag of food from her so she has free hands, and I guide Rose over to the plush section.

"Okay flower, which one should we get?"

"Pink! And I like the one with the stars on their stomach" she says pointing at one on the top shelf. I reach up to grab and but Rose gasps and says "look out mama" and just the hearing the action of her gasp makes me jump in surprise and I end up knocking off a bunch of stuffed animals off multiple shelf's. This sends Rose into a fit of laughter and makes Scarlett walk over to us.

My Everything (Scarlett Johansson)Where stories live. Discover now