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y/ns POV

"In the jurisdiction of California, and by my power I hearby grant Dove Cameron with all back pay, including insurance for health and dental along with the agreed upon residuals. Disney may not contact her or speak about her in the media until the order runs out in 2027." And the hitting of the gravel on the wooden stand is all thats heard next before Dove crashes into me hugging both me and Danny.

"You did it!" She squeals into me

"No your testimony did it!" I say right back to her and she smiles.

"You both were fantastic up there. Real work of art." Danny beams and we are all smiles after winning a case we were sure to lose. I really doubted Dove, and I was pissed she didnt take the settlement but now look. Im the first lawyer to get residuals above 10% granted to any actor/actress.

"Now lets celebrate!" Dove exclaims

"thanks guys but I need to head home. have a drink for me." i say before going into the offive in the courthouse we claimed as ours and gathered up the rest of the work. My phone goes off and I glance at it seeing Scarlett calling me.

"Hey baby.''

"Hi! How did court go?" she asks. She was up with me last night on Face Time pretending to be the other party.

"oh my god babe i got her 22% residuals" i brag

"no way! y/n!! thats amazing!!!" she squeals. I love how happy she is for me.

"so crazy. I cant believe that he granted it, he also put a media protection out for her for 5 years."

"wow thats so awesome. she must be happy" she says

"Oh yeah dove is ecstatic. Shes going out with Danny right now and I rather not know if they go home together at the end of the night." i laugh and she laughs too. "I miss you." i say

"i miss you more, only two more weeks!" she says and i sigh. still too long.

"How have you been feeling? We are not going to test until you come home right?" i ask

"Nope, unless I get my period, I want to test with you in person." she says smiling into the phone screen

"Sounds good to me baby, it's your choice. but still didnt answer my question. how are you feeling?" i ask again.

"i feel good, nothing new." she says and i feel alittle disappointed. I wish she said nauseous or something because that would mean maybe it worked.

We've been a lot better since that day I flew to Australia. I told her how overwhelmed I was feeling and she's been helping me a lot with it. I also am seeing Melanie twice a week. Only thing I have left to do is go to an AA meeting which Melanie thought would be a great idea as well . I just haven't made that step yet.

"I can't wait to see you." I say into the phone.

"Me too! God I miss you"  She says in an excited voice.

"Two weeks to long" I mumble

"I'm already finishing earlier than expected." She whines reminding me

"You're right I'm sorry."

"I gotta go babe! I'll call you later okay? Oh! Call Lizzie. She said she hasn't talked to you in a while. Only a couple texts here and there. Everything ok with you and her?" She asks and I almost forgot about Robbie for a second.

"Yeah we're good. I'll call her" I say even though I know I won't.

I haven't spoken to Lizzie in person or on the phone since Robbie came to my house that morning. 14 days without seeing someone I saw or talked to almost every day and it still stings. I knew she would get suspicious but I try to answer some of her texts so she won't get worried. That's all I need, her barging in my house and Robbie catching her here.

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