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We jump out of the Uber and I dragged Scarlet through the gate. She's too slow with her heels on so I decide to pick her up. I wrap her legs around my waist and her dress hikes up so I'm grabbing her bare legs. She squeals in surprise but starts kissing along my neck as I bring her into my house.

When I place her down she starts to take my blazer off. She throws it to the ground.

"I've been waiting all night to take these clothes off of you." She whispers against my ear. Her hands wander all around my body and I feel her fingers brush against my skin in the gap between my pants and cropped tank and it sends chills all over my body.

"Let's get upstairs so you can take it off" I whisper back to her. She grabs my hand and practically runs up the stairs. When she opens the door of the bedroom I decide I want control and spin her around to slam her against my door,closing it.

"You look so fucking beautiful tonight in that dress but why don't you give me a little show taking it off?" I say as I kiss her neck and drag my teeth over her sensitive spot.

She walks me to the edge of the bed and sits me down. First she bends down slowly running her hand down her legs to get to her shoes. She takes the heels off slowly but still looking at me. Then she spins around so her back is to me and slowly un does her zipper. I can see her back through the slot in the dress when she pulls the slipper down and just the curves of her hips are enough to melt me.

She turns around holding the dress up by her boobs and she takes a step closer to me.
"Oops" she says as she drops her dress to the ground and it pools around her feet. It leaves her in a white matching lingerie set that is just a little see through so I can see the pink of her nipples.

"bellissima" I say to her and she just quirks an eyebrow.

"It means beautiful in Italian." I say quickly while putting my hands on her waist.

"I love when you talk foreign to me" she says and puts either legs on the sides of my legs so she's straddling me.

I run my hands up her back and back down to her hips and when I grip her hips she bucks then forward a little with a moan.

"So. Fucking. Beautiful. My love." I say between the kisses on her neck.

She slowly starts to push me back while hovering over me and I can feel her kissing my neck. She knows exactly where to go now since she finds my spot to easily and I moan when she sucks hard on it.

"So you're gonna lay here and don't touch and I'll let you do whatever you want to me when I'm done. Got it?" She whispers into my ear.

I nod frantically not being able to speak.

"You're wearing too many clothes baby, sit up for me?" She asks gently, complete 180 from her last sentence.

I sit up and she helps me stand and when I go to unbutton my pants she slaps my hand away.

"Mine. I want to do it." She says innocently and I can't help the smile that appears on my face. She looks me into my eyes and I still can't see any green in hers,mine probably the same. She unbuttons my pants and slides them down my legs. On the way back up she runs her hands along the back of my legs and when she reaches my ass she squeezes it.

"I love your ass honey, it's perfect." She says

"The front of my body loves you too ya know" I giggle while I tease her.

"Oh this part?"She says while quickly changing her hand position to cup my front through my panties.

"Ah fuck yea that part" I moan into her neck

My Everything (Scarlett Johansson)Where stories live. Discover now