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Scarlett's POV
Waking up in your own bed with a hangover sucks, but when my sexy fiancés arms are wrapped around my body the headache almost goes away. Nothing will beat her natural scent engulfing my nose and making me feel a little high. The events of last night were so fun and even more fun after we got home. We stayed a lot longer than 10 minutes and got a lot drunker than anticipated. Got home late and stayed up even later. We had to go into the shower because y/n was paranoid Rose would hear us or worse..my parents. But rose snuck in here a few minuets ago and told me Hunter and the boys are taking her to breakfast and we can sleep some more. Im sure that's Moms doing so I'll have to thank her.

I gently caress y/ns breasts under the covers. They're already so perky and her hard nipples are just asking for me to lick them. I pull the sheet down just a little to reveal more of my naked fiancé. I lean up trying not to wake her and attach my lips to her firm nipple. Mmm god it's tastes amazing
I feel her stir next to me and continue sucking on her nipple.

"Mmm fuck Scar we have to pick the corn" y/n moans out and I'm a little confused. What the hell was she dreaming about?

"Mmm fuck woah what's going on?" She says finally opening her eyes and looking over at me. I pop her nipple out of my mouth which makes her moan again i and smile "just tasting my breakfast"

"Oh really now?" She asks and her shy smile comes out. She bites her lip and the corners of the mouth turn up.

"Mhm this is just the appetizer" I tease and move over to the other side and suck on her other nipple. I twirl my tongue around the hardened bud and then gentle suck grazing it with my teeth. I slowly make my way down her body, appreciating every inch of her body. I kiss down the valley of her breasts, and y/n is a moaning mess as I get closer and closer to where she needs me most. I kiss down to her pubic bone before moving down to her thighs, ignoring her glistening core. Y/n sighs.
"Scar please..." She breathes out. I smirk, continuing to kiss her inner thighs.
"Patience, my love." I spread her legs wide, as I make my way closer to heat. I continue kissing along her inner thighs, alternating between the two. I spread her legs wider, until I can see her wetnes dripping down her legs to the bed.

"You're so wet, baby" Y/n moans at my comment. I position myself comfortably at her core, deciding to give her the pleasure she most needs. I look up to her for a brief moment, our eyes lock. I smirk at her before I slowly move forward until my mouth connects with her pussy, my tongue sliding through her wet folds easily, tasting her.
"Scar yes" she moans out and I flick my tongue faster. I slowly take my tongue and lick up from bottom to top and when I reach her clit I gentle suck on it earning a loud moan from her. Her back arches a little and it's hard to keep her in place so I have to dig my nails into her hip but by her moaning I can tell she doesn't mind. I continue licking and sucking through her folds until I find her spot and attack it. I push my tongue deeper pushing right on that spot and when I start to move my tongue side to side I can feel the inside of her thighs start to shake. I lick up toward her clit and rotate between licking and sucking which makes her back arch even more where her ass is basically off the bed.
"Oh shit scar I'm gonna" and on a preticularly harsh suck of her clit her hips buck up before completely giving away and crashing back onto the bed, flat on her back. she's a panting mess cumming all over my face. I gently lick her up cleaning her softly until she pulls me up by my hair. She crashes her lips to mine with her hands still tangled in my hair.

"God that was so fucking hot" she laughs when she pulls away from our kiss.

"Good. Because I'm not done" I smirk and see her eyes turn even darker.

*three hours later*
I lay awake drawing shapes on y/ns back while she sleeping on her front. I can't believe I'm getting married tomorrow for the third time. One might think you would be over it by now, and believe me I was close. After all the abuse I've been through with Colin I did give up. But then this beautiful brunette next to me sucked me into her whole being and I never looked back. And for her I'll always be thankful.

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