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Our honeymoon was the literal best time ever! After my post on our first day in Italy everyone's been spreading news of us being married but we haven't confirmed it yet. I let scar do her thing and told her we can do it on her terms. I don't mind and they've already practically forgotten about it.

It's been TWO weeks since we've been home from our honeymoon and man do I miss it. I'm glad to be home and to have Rosie with us again but I miss the quiet time we had together, just us. We've both been terribly busy with work so just seeing each other at night for dinner and bedtime routines makes it hard to not miss our uninterrupted quality time. Scarlett's going to be starting producing a film soon and life is just going to get more hectic. My job is boring but the paperwork keeps coming in so it keeps me busy.

I've decided to take the bar in California at the April test date. Anna and I talked over the phone for a long time one night mapping out every direction I could go but unless I want to try and get permission from the board to practice here (which they never grant) I have to just retake the board. And lucky for me California is known for how ridiculously hard their bar exam is. So on top of boring work I have to study and like I said that means barley anytime to see my family.

My phone ringing breaks me from the computer screen and I glance at it seeing Anna's name on the phone.

"Hey Anna"

"Hey y/n. I got you a meeting with John Branca, the enter—"

"Entertainment lawyer who handled so many famous cases like the Jackson 5. No way!" I yell into the phone

"Yes at 3pm at Nobu. Don't be late. And don't tell him I told you he's looking to add an entertainment lawyer for television and movies into his office" she says and I immediately get excited

"Thank you Anna!!" I yell and run upstairs from my office to pick an outfit considering it's 2pm. I pick an all black one piece jumpsuit. Casual but enough for a business meeting. I pair it with black heels and I grab my purse heading out the door praying I won't be late.

As soon as I park I text Scarlett that I'm heading to a meeting and I'll pick up food for dinner. It's Nobu, duh! I walk into the restaurant and ask the lady if there's any reservations under Cotour. She nods yes and brings me to a table near the back but I notice it's empty all around. I sit facing the door so I can see who's coming and going and sip on the water that's already on the table. I glance at my watch seeing it's only 2:56. You're early. Relax!

I tap my fingers on the table anxiously awaiting his arrival. I'd love to impress him, even just hold a decent conversation with the guy because he is an excellent lawyer. I hear the door bell ding indicating someone walked in and then murmers come from the front. I recognize a male tone and sit up straighter in my seat. A second later the one and only John Branca walks into view. I stand immediately and take a step meeting him and take his hand that's extended out. 

"You must be y/n right? John, it's nice to meet you." He says with a smile very politely.

"The pleasure is mine. It's an honor." I say and he nods thanking me. We take a seat and a waiter comes over right away.

"I'll have the grilled chicken wrap and a ice cold old fashion please." He orders

"I'll have the chicken special please" I say knowing it was the safest on the menu, easiest to eat.

"Now Anna has told me a lot about you. Not really in detail just that you are an excellent lawyer who's torn between morals and her job." He says and I take a deep breath realizing he's right.

"Yes sir. I love being a lawyer. I love helping people but Anna's office kept giving me a bad conscience" I say and he nods

"Why's that?" He asks

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