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I wake up on the couch with a blanket over me. I can see the bright rn lights through my closed eye lids and I feel someone stroking my hair. I slowly open my eyes and lift my head to notice I'm laying on Scarlett's lap and she's playing with my hair while watching a movie.

"Hey sleepyhead" she coos

"Hey sorry how long was I out?" I ask

"No worries it's been like an hour. It's only 9:25." She says still playing with my hair. It feel so nice I can almost go right back to sleep.

I sit up and scoot my body so I'm facing her. "Thanks for letting me sleep" I say smiling st her

"Ofcourse, you had a big day you were stressing all day for. It's the least I can do." scar says while reaching for my hand.

"So what are you watching?" I ask

"Wind River, Lizzie's in it. I've been looking for it and turns out you have Amazon Prime" she laughs as I see she's using me for my subscriptions

"Oh I see, using me for my tv." I laugh

"Oh not just that, there's a bunch of stuff I want to use you for." She rasps out quietly.

"Oh really, we'll first I have a question." I say moving my face closer to hers our breath on each others face and I'm staring into her eyes.

"Yes?" She asks with a smirk.

"Go on a date with me tomorrow?" I say smiling.

"Yes obviously yes." She says excitedly. "Where are we going!?"

"That's for me to know and you to find out. Don't worry I'll handle everything." I say as I close the gap and give her a sweet kiss.

"We'll then screw this let's go to bed so I can wake up and it's tomorrow!!" She says getting up from the couch and pulling me up with her.
I follow her upstairs and into the bathroom. We do our skin care and I actually just borrow hers to try out. I'm sick of my 20 min long one. I have to say, the time thing already has me bought.

We snuggle into bed together and I give her some chills up and down her arm until we both drift asleep.

Scarlett's POV
I wake up to the sun shining through the windows. I look at the clock and see the time. 10:17 wow I can't remember the last time I slept in. I feel next to me with my leg but notice it's empty. I pull my head up from the pillow and rip my eyes open to look at the bed next to me and see no one there.
"Ugh why am I alone?" I think to myself. But then I see a platter with breakfast on the nightstand and a note. I shuffle to the other side of the bed and grab the note and A piece of bacon. I take a bite of the bacon and flip open the note.

Morning sunshine,
You're probably wondering where I am. Well I wanted this to be a real date so you won't see me until the time of the date. I want to pick you up and knock on your door like we're in high school again. Don't worry Lizzie is coming over at 1230 with clothes to pick from and to hang out a little. I'll pick you up at 5. Can't wait to see you!
Y/n <3

She is soooo cute omg. The butterflies in my stomach are making me nervous for this date and I can't remember the last time I was this nervous for one. I mean it's been a few years since I was last on one. What if she was realizes I'm just an old lady and she can't have fun with me. I shake the thoughts from my head and get out of her bed to use the bathroom.

I finish up in there and decide to explore her house a little. I walk down the hall upstairs and only notice some bedrooms. I walk down the stairs through her living room and kitchen behind the stairs. There's a bathroom back here and another room. I open the door and see shelves of awards and instruments all over the room. I've never seen this room. I didn't know she could play piano also. I walk closer to the awards and see some from her modeling days. There's two bookcases full of them. I guess she doesn't like them on display. I close the door and walk into the kitchen and then into the garage. I know she said she had a gym here but I haven't found it yet. I eye her cars. Her Lambo truck is missing, she must be driving it. She also has a red 1971 Ferrari and a black Harley Davidson. Wow I can picture her on a bike, helmet on her tattoos all out and proud with her arms gripping the handlebars. I shake my thoughts before between my legs start to overheat and see a door in the back of the garage. I open it and see dimly lit stairs and decide to folllw them. It's still sort of dark when I get to the bottom of the stairs and as soon as I step on the solid ground the LED lights turn on revealing her gym.

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