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Lizzie POV
"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN SHES IN SURGERY?" I yell at Robert, making everyone in the waiting room stop what they're doing and look at us.

"Liz I know. She was fine."

"Yes. She was fine. And you show up and she has a damn seizure."

"You're lucky I was there! You wanted to stay in the waiting room while I went and found her. She would've been alone! I held her in my arms Lizzie, while she was convulsing." He whisper shouts to me getting a little in my face but I want to understand him, and not be mad at him, so I listen. I can see the sweat coming from him and redness in his eyes indicating he was crying before he told me the information. It must have been hard for him to be there, I don't know how I would react if I saw that myself.

"What the hell are we going to do?" I sigh and sit back down in the chair I've come to hate. Thank goodness the double doors open and I see Dr. Hunt walk out of them and straight us.

"Hi, Mrs. Johansson is stable and is being moved to a private room. I repaired her spleen and gave her a blood transfusion. Her hypertension went away once the baby came out. Would you like to be in her room when she wakes up?" He says and Scarlett's mother answers for us all. We follow him through a couple hallways before we stop in front of a room. I can already see through the cracks that Scarlett is in there.

"I am expecting her to freak out when she wakes up because she is not going to have any recollection of coming here since she was not conscious when arriving. Also, because she doesn't have her baby inside her anymore." We all nod understanding what he's trying to say.

"Y-y/n. What about her?" I ask unsteady, my voice going in and out. I need to know how my best friend is.

"I know our best nuero and cardio doctors went into her OR room so she's in good hands. I will try and find out more though." He says and I can feel a lump in my throat form as I try to hold back the tears. We all enter Scarlett's room and I take the seat right next to her bed, her mother on the other side. RDJ stands at the end of the bed with the saddest face on him. Dr. hunt leaves to check on y/n and I can't help but think. He said nuero and heart. That's neurology right? That means it's something with her brain? Oh god. She has to be okay, I don't want to be in a world without her silly dances and late night phone rants. She just started her life with her beautiful family. She just had a baby boy. Oh..yes! Their baby! I need to go see him. I stand up not realizing I've been talking to myself in my head that whole time and get startled when Robert asks where I'm going.

"Oh! To the baby." I simply say while walking to the door.  I can't believe I'm so stupid. Y/n would kill me if she knew no one was with him. Of course the nurses are but I know her. She would want someone she knows, and trusts to be there with him.

When I round a couple corners and go up some stairs I see the ocean themed wallpaper and smiley faced stickers on the patient doors. In the middle of the area is a large desk and then I can see the babies behind the desk. They are in a big room that's separated by floor to ceiling glass.

"Can I help you?" A woman in a scooby-doo printed scrub shirt asks me.

"Johansson. I-I'm the aunt." I say, unsure what exactly to ask for.

"Do you have an ID. I have to check if you are an emergency contact as that is all that is allowed in there at this time." She states and I luckily remembered to bring my purse with me.

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