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Y/ns POV
The front door swings open and a grumpy looking blonde walks in. "Hello Lizzie, no key?"

"I stole one of Roberts cars because I didn't drive here" she says and scans my face looking for anything. I look up into her eyes and see her tilt her head and her eyes soften.

"Oh honey! Scarlett told me what happened. I'm sorry you feel like she did that to you but I really don't think she meant it like that"

"Liz she fucked me in a quiet room in Roberts house then proceeded to tell me she's leaving for 3 months directly after. I'm sorry but if that's not what she was trying to do why wait till then?" I ask

"Im not sure actually. She talked to me about it when we went to yoga and said she was going to talk to you tonight but honestly I didn't know she already accepted it"

"Well she did. I came home last night to see it for myself when she fell asleep with her laptop on."

"You gotta talk to her hun, she's on her way home now but I wanted to get to you first." Lizzie says finally stepping away from the doorway and into the house fully. I hear the clink of her shoes take a couple steps then stop. I know what she's looking at. The bottle and empty glass on the table.


"I didn't do it Liz"

"But honey you thought about it? Why? You were making so much progress"

"I don't know. Between finding out that Scarlett was leaving, then the articles that were released  started gaining notice..I get so worked up over my feelings and hate how out of control I feel. With drinking I feel in control. I'm a mess"

"You're not a mess" we hear from behind us and I turn and look at the doorway. Scarlett is standing there with red puffy eyes and a frown. "You have every right to be upset. That wasn't right how I brought it up but please know I didn't mean to make it seem like I was trying to make it better by making love to you then dropping something like that on you, I just haven't gotten you alone"she says. It warms my chest hearing her say 'make love' but at the same time she had all morning to tell me and she didn't. And who knows how long she's known about this and didn't tell me.

"This morning? When I asked if there was something on your mind?" I say and see her glance behind me at the table but she doesn't say anything.

"I didn't want to stress you out before your exam"

"Which went great by the way..." I say in a little rude tone which I sigh realizing I shouldn't have

"Baby please I'm sorry" she says walking closer to me. I just stand there and let her walk up to me. She wraps her hands around my waist to hug me and I melt into her touch. I've been craving her touch since I got out of my exam, probably before that honestly but right now I needed it. I wrap my arms around her waist too and hug her back.

"I promise you, my advances earlier were true to my feelings for you. I can't contain myself around you and I have to admit the articles stung a tiny bit just seeing them. But then I saw how hot you look in this outfit right now and I got jealous. I pictured that red head staring at you like this" she says moving her hands down my hips and squeezing my butt slightly which makes me chuckle. I'm dressed in the most lazy no-effort outfit I could throw together. "So I meant it when I said I had to have you right there. But it was awful timing of what I said next. You make me feel safe in all aspects of our relationship and at that moment I guess I felt..."

"Comfortable" I say and she nods yes. "I'm in vans my love, that's a huge step down from my Prada heels." I laugh and see the corners of her lips turn up from a frown into a smile.

My Everything (Scarlett Johansson)Where stories live. Discover now