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Y/ns POV
the second the doors closed on the elevator I turned around to walk into Anna's office. Ignoring the smirks from my secretary and Billie, I couldn't help the smile that grew on my face. I knock once and open the door without waiting for a response. Anna is used to it by now.

"Hello dear what can I do for you?" She asks

"How'd you know I was coming to ask for soemthing?" I ask

"You don't need me. Unless you need something." She laughs

"Ok your right. Can I borrow your helicopter?" I ask

"Uhh sure but I need it back for tomorrow morning." She says without asking any questions.

"That I can do." I say excitedly walking towards the door.

"But y/n," she pauses

"Yes?" I turn and face her.

"Please don't have sex in it. I know you have a license so you'll be alone flying. Just don't. I have to sit in there tomorrow morning" she says with a disgusted face but then laughs

"No worries. I'll keep it in my pants until we get back." I say with a wink

"Oh god stop. Get out!" She laughs yelling at me and I laugh with her as I exit her office. I head back to my office and start to think of a plan. After like 15 minutes I'm still staring at my wall so I decide to call Alyssa in. She comes in after a knock and says "hey, what's up?"

"I need some help. I'm planning a date. If you could go anywhere within like a 4 hour drive where would you go?" I ask

"Hmm. Maybe Montauk? Or Cape May is less busy this time around." She says

"Hmm cape May could work because they have beautiful restaurants on the beach but then we can go to the boardwalk in wildwood." I think out loud.

"Wait Scarlett loves wings. They have a place you can try 32 different flavors. You gotta try that!" Alyssa says jumping off my couch to tell me

"I never said it was Scarlett." I say with a smirk

"Oh uh sorry boss I didn't mean to assume." She says shyly like she got caught stealing cookies from a cookie jar.

"Im kidding! It's fine just keep your mouth shut. It hasn't leaked yet and I don't plan on it being leaked yet." I say.

"Okay I'm gonna call some restaurants and see if the wing one is available. Do I have anything after my 11:00?" I ask

"Nope." She says and I nod and watch her leave.

I finish up my work, and day dream a little about how I'm going to ask Scarlett to be my girlfriend again. That is until Billie knocks and walks in with my 11:00. Nikki.

"Hi Nikki please come in and sit wherever you'd like" I say and motion her to sit. She sits in a chair and I walk over with a notepad and sit in the couch.

"Thanks for meeting with me finally. I just need some help and I know I can trust you." She says looking down

"Ofcourse im glad you trust me." I say waiting for her to carry on.

"Well, I'm just gonna come out and say it. I think Mark is cheating on me. And I think it's with a client of mine who I'm almost 99% sure she cause the death of her baby boy." She says and I'm a little shocked to say the least.

"Wait a second go back. Mark!? Cheat on you!? He is head over heels for you. Has been since freshman year of college"

That's what I thought. But the late nights started coming more often. Then the secretive with his cellphone. Then this" she says throwing down a small envelope on the table. I grab it and open it up to see a credit card statement.

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