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Y/ns POV
I wake up in Roses bed with my hair still wrapped in the towel from last night. I notice I have a blanket on so I'm guessing Scarlett did that. I can still feel the anger radiating through my body after last night. I asked her to not tell Lizzie and she blurts it out loud while I'm literally sitting there. From the insane amount of missed calls and texts from Lizzie and Robbie, I'm guessing she told him she knew now. But I can't deal with any of that right now because we are flying to New York today.

We are flying in at 3pm and Rose doesn't land until 9pm so we have time to explore the city and visit old places we used to hang around. But right now I'm not in the mood to do anything with Scarlett.

I walk downstairs to an empty kitchen, Scarlett must still be sleeping. I make a pot of coffee and hear footsteps coming down but get startled when Flo walks in. I forgot she was still here.

"Morning Floooo!" I say and she winces

"Shhhh" she says grabbing the coffee mug out of my hand and taking a sip.

"Headache meds are in the top cabinet in the downstairs bathroom" I say while going through the refrigerator for something to eat. She walks away, assumingly into the bathroom and I hear more footsteps coming down the stairs. Scarlett gets to the bottom and walks sleepily into the kitchen. I notice that she looks more tired than usual and I mentally slap myself because she was probably upset all night because of me.

"Morning, I can make you a decaf cup?" I ask to her and she freezes in her tracks and looks at me.

"You've been giving me decaf coffee?" She asks and I can't help the smile that pulls to my lips. Could she not tell? But by the hardened look at til of her head I can tell she is furious and I'm a little scared.

"Uhh yea I have. I read that caffeine isn't good for the baby and —"

"Baby!?" Flo comes screaming into the kitchen and I give Scarlett a sheepish look apologizing for talking so freely but we are in our own house.

"Flo.." I try but the look of pure bliss on her face makes me smile too and Flo starts jumping up and down repeating 'omg omg omg'

"It's really early!" Scarlett yells stopping her from jumping but the smile doesn't leave. "And a lot of things can happen. But yes, we are pregnant" Scarlett says to the overly excited other blonde. "Please don't tell anyone" Scarlett pleases.

"Of course guys! I would never! Cross my heart" Flo says holding her heart. "But Oh my goodnesssss" she says squealing and attacks Scarlett in hugs. I love their relationship, it's very sisterly.

"Would you guys like eggs or French toast?" I ask interrupting their hug.

"Oh! Nothing for me y/n I should get home." Flo says.

"You can't go yet, just have some breakfast" I say to the younger blonde.

"Yeah, please. Plus, we need to talk." Scarlett says and I see Flo gulp.

"Since you guys can't pick I'll make both." I say getting out the eggs from the fridge. "Can you cook up some bacon too baby?" Scarlett says and stick out her bottom lip giving me a puppy dog look. I smile and nod while getting the bacon and other ingredients out that I will I need.

As I set the food down on the table infront of the women, so they can talk, I head upstairs to pack. I walk into the bedroom to see two small suitcases packed already and smile to myself. It's really hard to stay mad at Scarlett. Especially when she does cute things like pack for me, still check on me at night and can't forget she's carrying my baby!

I suppose she was right, and I should've told Lizzie sooner. It felt so nice to hangout with her last night. But the look in her face when Scarlett dropped that news onto her of what Robbie said, it almost broke me. I love Lizzie as my family, as my sister and best friend. And she looked so hurt, so confused but broken. I just hope she can forgive me.

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