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Y/ns POV
i get woken up to someone jumping up and down on my legs. The pounding in my head makes it almost impossible to open my eyes but I manage to get one open and see it's Rose. I glance to my side to see Scarlett's head under her pillow and spread out on her stomach dead asleep. .

"Flowerrrr don't jump" I whine whispering to her. She must have heard because she stops and I feel her climb over my body and hover around my back and neck area.

"Are you awake?" She whispers and I nod my head not saying anything.

"The doorbell rang twice and I heard grandma talking to someone. Can you come with me to see who it is?" She says scared and I pull her close to me while I manage to sit up.

"Did you sleep okay?" I ask because she's very cuddly.

"I had a nightmare when I first went to sleep. Then grandma let me sleep on the couch while she watched TV and I felt better after that." She says and I feel so bad I wasn't here for her.

"I'm sorry bubs. Do you want to talk about the dream?" I ask but she shakes her head no.

"I don't even remember it." She says and I don't continue to push her with questions. I stand up and place her on my hip to walk out the door. We walk into the hallway and she's right I do hear voices. I walk down the stairs with her still hanging on me and round the corner to see Lizzie, Robbie, Flo and Scars mom standing in the kitchen talking. Lizzie spots us first and smiles.

"Hellooo sleepy heads." Lizzie yells and I cringe at her volume which makes her laugh. "Looks like big and bad y/n/n finally got a hangover." Lizzie teases and she's lucky I have Rose attached to me. I walk closer to the kitchen and spot bagels on the counter and I almost drop Rose and run to the bagels.

"Look Rose. Food." I say to her and she kicks her way off of me and runs to the counter. Scars mom helps her make a bagel so I get to start on mine. I freeze once I cut the bagel open remembering Scarlett's asleep and will kill everyone if we eat without her.

"I gotta go wake Scar" I mumble leaving the kitchen quickly but Flo steps in front of me stopping me.

"Where are you going?" She asks raising her eyebrows.

"To wake Scar" I say and she smiles huge.

"I wanna come" she says in her accent and I smirk. She raises an eyebrow "what did I say?"

"Nothing I just like your accent. Uh I don't think that's a good idea" I say knowing Scar slept with no shirt on because I slept in the middle of the bed.

"Why?" Lizzie pops up behind her with a smug look on her face.

"No. Liz. Flo. Let me get her and I promise no funny business. I'll be down in a minute" I say trying to walk around her but she still doesn't let me. They both look at each other then look at me and out of nowhere they both spread apart and make a dash for the stairs. They get there before me obviously so they make it up first. Lizzie leads Flo to my bedroom and she swings the door open. I hear a "what the fuck" before I get to the doorway to see Lizzie straddling Scar while scar is covering her boobs with her arms and Flo standing there with the blankets from the bed in her arms.

"Holy shit y/n are you a vampire" Lizzie squeals and Flo has a near laugh attack spotting all the hickies on Scarlett.

"Below the collarbones is free reign. And I like to mark what's mine" I say smirking and I get groans from Lizzie and Scar and an 'Ooooo' from Flo which makes me laugh

"As much as I'd always wanted 3 girls in my bedroom with me, can we pleaseee go eat." I whine walking toward the group of women.

"What kind of food." Scar asks and I chuckle. That's my girl.

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