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Scarlett's POV
Man oh Man. Where do I even begin. Y/n got in a shit load of trouble for running into the school that day. Lucky for her, the police love her and Anna fought hard for her. She had to pay a huge amount of money to the school and she donated a shit ton to the police force as well. But, Rose refuses to go back to school. It's been a month now and she will not even leave the house unless y/n is with her. It's always y/n. I want mama to read me a story, play with me, braid my hair. I feel awful for y/n but she is taking it like a champ.

She never complains. She never even huffs, she's been so attentive and loving towards Rose it's really spectacular to see. They've created this little bond in their own bubble and I love that for them, but I also don't think it's healthy for Rose. Which is why I started her in therapy. It's good for her to talk through what happened at school so she can return to it eventually. Y/n actually suggested it. I had thought about it but was assured she would get help in school, although she hadn't gone in a while I guess that makes sense. The therapist should be able to help her and also help her not be so attached toy/n. What Rose doesn't know is that y/n is leaving to LA for the next 3 days for a work meeting and I think she's going to be devastated.

Y/n on the other hand needs this. She's not been the same since the shooter happened either. She puts on a brave front in front of arose but I see it breaking her little by little. She has nightmares every night again. Some nights I can calm her, others I have to hold her until she wakes up and then is really dissociated the whole day. I worry about her and I want to help her but she always says she's fine and talking to me helps. But she's going to be staying with Liz there so I hope it'll clear her mind a little. Even if I'm going to miss the shit out of her.

Todays the day before she leaves and I'm just getting back from the grocery store. Y/n suggested I went while she was still home because Rose doesn't like to leave the house. I walk in through the garage door with bags  and y/n jumps up to help.

"Hi babe" she says and grabs some bags from me.

"Hey how has she been?" I ask and she nods

"Not bad today. Less clingy, and she asked for you" she says smiling.

I stop what I'm doing and turn around smiling. "Really?" I asked. It's been forever since I got to cuddle my little bug. She's been so attached to y/n and I just wanted her happy and comfortable but it's really hurt me that she hasn't wanted me.

"Mhm go snuggle and I'll cook dinner" she says and I jump at that opportunity. I snuggle up to my daughter on the couch and she actually cuddles back this time. An hour later y/n calls us for dinner and we sit at the table together.

"So Rosie, I have to go to LA for work for a few days, but mommy will be here with you all day" y/n says to Rose who just freezes what she's doing.

"I'm coming with you" she says and y/n giggles.

"You can't sweets. I'm going to be in boring meetings all day you won't want to come" y/n explains.

"I don't care I'm not going anywhere without you. You saved me. You saved me" rose starts yelling and hyperventilating

"I'll be here the whole time rose. You can even come with me to the office and hang around" I say trying to calm my daughter.

"NO Y/N CANT LEAVE." Rose yells again

"I'm coming back I promise. And you can call me all the time I promise I'll answer" y/n bargains but it's not good enough for Rose. She runs away from the table and up the stairs until we hear a door slam.

"That could've went worse" y/n says and I look over to her. "Just imagine when she's 16 and actually has a friends house to runaway to" she says and it makes me laugh

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