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Y/ns POV
I'm currently up cooking breakfast because Rose, Lizzie and Robbie are going to arrive in 20 minutes. Last night was amazing. Scar planned the perfect first night, and after the boat ride we literally talked until the sun came up. So I'm letting her rest while I wait for everyone because I know I can rest later sometime. But she is a cranky ass if she doesn't get her sleep. I hear the knock on the door and hope it's Rose from the lightness of the knock. I swing the door open to see a little blonde bouncing on her toes.

"Y/n!!!!!!" She yells and jumps into my arms!
"Rosie!!" I yell back spinning her around a few times. I missed this kid.
"Hey Liz, Robbie." I greet them as the come in and help them with their suitcases.
"Hey y/n. Thanks for letting us crash here for the night. The hotel isn't booked until tomorrow!" Lizzie says and I wave her off
"You know it's fine! Cmon I made breakfast" I say and rose races to the counter and sits down right in front of the bacon. Before I could turn around to follow her Lizzie grabs my wrist and eyes me up and down.
"Did you do it yet?" She asks and I nod my head no.

"It was suppose to be this week in Spain, now her mother can get to Greece this week so I'm going to have to wait." I say a little defeated but it was just the wrong timing.

"It's ok honey, it'll work out." She says knowing how much I've planned into the proposal.

"I just want to get that ring on her finger. Then I can stop worrying about losing it." I say laughing

They follow me into the kitchen and I grab some plates for them and they start eating. I decide to check on Scarlett, who's still sound asleep now cuddled with my pillow. I catch Rose right before she runs into the bedroom and usher her out.

"Let's let momma sleep a little. I'll show you around the villa it's super cool." I say to rose and she happily agrees. I help her get her flip flops on and tell Lizzie and Robbie were going to go for a walk. Of course they decide to come. I lead her out the blue door and down the pathway to the garage.

"Woah we can use these!?" She gushes over all the surfboards, boogie boards and scooters.
"Yep! Grab a scooter?" I ask her and she runs to the electric blue one.
"Like your car!" She points out and I giggle agreeing. I lead her past the gate to the beach and show her that it's our beach. She begs me to teach her to surf so I'm going to have to try to do that at some point.
"Hey y/n we're gonna grab a coffee. You want one?" Robbie yells from behind us while we're walking down the street. Rose is scootering ahead so I want to keep up with her.

"Please! Iced anything!" I shout back running after Rose. She finally stop when she sees a park and I thank whoever's looking over us because I'm starting to sweat. I watch Rose as she swings higher and higher and Lizzie and Robbie catch up to us and hand me a coffee.

"Mmm thanks" I say after taking a sip. I didn't realize how tired I was until I sat on the bench.
"So how was your first night here" Lizzie asks wiggling her eyebrows.

"Well I haven't slept yet" I say back with a smirk

"Oh my god I wasn't being serious." She says laughing and Robbie laughs too.

"You asked babe" Robbie says laughing at her and Lizzie swats at his arm.

"It was really amazing honestly. Yes the sex was great but the time spent together was even better. We stayed up all night when we got back just talking about everything. Our future, our goals even stupid random things. It was just amazing." I say recalling all the events from last night.

"I'm so happy for you guys" Lizzie says and I nod smiling. I'm happy too.

We head back toward the villa and I race Rose. She's faster on the scooter and I'm just too tired to run any faster so she obviously wins. We put the scooter away and Robbie and Lizzie tell us they'll be back soon.

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