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Y/n pov
We successfully made it to the end of the short school day and it only consisted of one food run and two bathroom runs. Luckily there's a very clean store right around the corner that provides all this for us. As the bell sounds and the kids run out of the building, I glance at Scarlett who has silent tears coming down her face as she she's rose running towards her. She's such a proud momma and I love how much she loves Rose. I'm sure it the hormones helping her but I know she was so stressed about Roses first day, so to see her run out of the building with a smile on her face I'm sure it was hard to contain her own emotions. Im feeling excited and can't wait to ask her a million questions on how it went.

"Mama my teacher loves soccer just like us!" Rose squeals as we walk to the car. "She even said she was at our game yesterday and saw my goal!"

"Wow that's so cool. I didn't recognize her there but maybe next game you can point her out" I say back

"She said she knows mommy." Rose says

"Oh? She did now." I say and glance at Scarlett who rolls her eyes. This was another worry of Scar's. The school has plenty of high profile kids in it, but the teachers are usually professionals and they know not to talk about personal life or ask about parents if it's not necessary. I'm not trying to jump to conclusions but I hope her teacher is not going to turn into some crazed fan.

"Yep. But she said that mommy was a superhero to look up to and that's why she was on her wall" rose laughs and I understand now. She must have a poster or something of the Black Widow and Rose knows that is Scarlett.

"Well I can't wait to meet this teacher of yours" Scarlett smirks and I hold back a giggle.

The car ride home is filled with more stories about the day and it's funny that jaqueline is in almost every one of them. I can't tell if it's just a crush or just a best friends type of thing fully yet because I think she holds back talking about her around Scarlett but im sure I can ask more questions when we are alone.

Rose runs inside the house to change while Scarlett and I head inside as well. I know I'm not supposed to be working but I can't help but need to know what that black book is. So I head into my office and lightly close the door so I can give Danny a call. It rings once..rings twice...sent to voicemail. I text him to give me a call and open my computer to see if he updated the list anymore. After logging in and scrolling to the bottom I noticed there's no new names. Scarlett's not on it anymore but he hasn't done anything else. I decide to call him again but now it just goes straight to voicemail indicating he shut his phone off. Or maybe it died? I can't think too much more about it though because Rose walks into my office and plops down on the couch.

"What's up flower?" I ask closing out the application and shutting my computer off.

"Is mom going to be sick forever?" She says and it raises concern to me. Is she getting sick more than I think?

"She's not. She just doesn't feel good because of the baby but in a few months they will go away. Why do you ask?"

"I don't like when she doesn't feel good and she runs to the bathroom a lot now. I just worry about her." Rose says with sad eyes and I realize it's probably the first time she can talk to someone about this. Romain and Scarlett have been split up for a while, so she couldn't tell him about if Scarlett wasn't feeling well back then. Which makes her carry all the worry. Then with Colin, there's no way that man knew if Scarlett was feeling well or not and she couldn't all to him, so again, she's carrying this weight of making sure her moms okay.

"It's so cute that you worry about your mom, and I know she loves it. But I'm going to try to explain why she feels sick now so maybe you won't worry so much okay?" I get up and sit next to her on the couch. "When mommy's are pregnant, it's their job to provide food to the baby in their belly right? Well sometimes the baby doesn't like what mommy eats and wants it out. They make mommy's belly hurt and feel bad so she gets sick and gets it out. Does that make sense?" I say and she nods yes.

"Does it hurt mommy?" She asks

"It's probably uncomfortable. I know I don't like to get sick. But she's strong right? And we still have to be extra nice and give extra cuddles to her too so she knows we love her and are there for her" I say and she smiles at.

"I'm a good cuddler. I always make mommy feel better" she laughs

"You make me feel better too" I say and wrap her in a hug.

"We should go give mommy hugs. She didn't feel well when I walked in here" she says and I pick her up to go find Scarlett. Once we enter the kitchen i see her still chopping something up but now has her shirt over her nose covering it like a mask.

"Mommy! You look funny!" Rose squeals and makes Scarlett look up at us.

"Oh! Sorry! I didn't like the smell of these tuna sandwiches" she says with a shy smile.

"The baby didn't like it right?" Rose asks and Scarlett's surprised face lights up at her question.

"That's right. I don't think he or she did" Scarlett laughs. Rose takes a sandwich and some fruit before going to the table to eat while I walk up behind Scarlett and lean my chin on her shoulder.

"Want me to take over? I can finish making them" I say

"It's okay. The shirt trick worked." She laughs.

"Rose was worried about you. She came into the office and asked a couple questions that I hopefully answered correctly. I think she's so used to worrying about you alone it surprised her that I would talk about it with her." I say and see Scarlett start thinking.

"She saw me run to the bathroom didn't she? Shit I try and hide it but—"

"But nothing baby, you're doing great and she's going to see you get sick. It happens, and I think it's good that she sees all the sides of pregnancy. She will learn from it and understand things better"

"You're right. I just always try to keep her innocent and make her think her mom is a superhero" she laughs

"You are a superhero. Hers. And mine." I kiss the hair on the back of her head as she leans into me.

"And you're the best. I would be lost without you. You know that right?" She asks spinning around to face me.

"I don't think you would be lost, just very very bored" I say and kiss her lips finally. There's a spark when our lips touch which makes us both smile into the kiss but not stop the kiss. She deepens it as she wraps her hands into my hair and pulls me closer so I pin her against the counter top. I move my kisses to her jaw, and down her neck gently sucking her sweet spot earning a low moan from her. I go back up and kiss her lips again and
pull away with her bottom lip between my teeth. I open my eyes to see hers still closed with a small smile on her beautiful lips.

"You make me feel like I'm floating" she whispers out and i can't help but connect our lips in another short but sweet kiss.

"Let's float away" I say grabbing her hips and hoisting her up as she wraps her legs around my waist. I get as far as out of the kitchen before she's giggling uncontrollably and making me out her down because she's going to pee her self. I reluctantly let her down and watch as her hips sway as she runs away to the bathroom.

We spend the rest of the day playing games, whether it was a board game or a pool game it was a fun rest of the day. Luckily Rose and Scarlett are are doing a face mask together before rose goes to bed so I can sneak back into my office.

Danny still hasn't answered my calls or texts and by the instant voicemail that pops up when I call him tells me his phone is still off. That's like 7 hours or so and that's not like him. The only person who might know where he is would be Olivia and I really don't want to call her right now, but I can't wait until Monday either. I dial her contact and she picks up on 2 rings.

"Hello Esther are the kids alright?" She says and I don't say anything because I'm confused. Did she not look at the contact?

"Oh no does he need stitches? Crap okay I'll let you know when I'm on my way." She says into the phone again and hangs up.

What the fuck is going on?


Dun Dun DUnnnnnnnnn LOL

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