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I pull into my driveway and hit the gate button twice. That will leave it open so Scarlett can drive in without having to wait for me. I park my truck and walk up the stairs to my house carrying my purse and a huge stack of papers and files from everything I was able to find on the number that texted me. Before I could think about that I pushed open my front door and kicked it closed with my foot. I walked straight to my office and put the files down and walked into the kitchen to chug a bottle of cold water. I texted Rhonda my chef early today and gave her the day off because I thought I wouldn't be home most of the day and night. I was suppose to go to a investor dinner but when Scarlett called I couldn't say no. Plus, she's doing me a favor those dinner are so boring and I always end up drinking too much and I hate the hangover the next day. I opened the fridge and saw Rhonda left me some prestuffed stuffed chicken breast knowing it's my favorite. I see I have some things to make a salad and I quickly take out the veggies to start chopping while I turn the oven on to preheat. While I'm chopping the cucumbers there's a knock on my door. I shuffle to the door with my apron around my neck and open it with a smile on my face.
" hello Scar-what the fuck happened." My smile immediately drops. Her hair is a mess, her eyes are bloodshot with mascara running down her cheeks. There's a grip mark on her arm that I see and then when she turns a little more to face me I see the ones around her neck. Oh hell no.
"Come in please, sit on the couch I'll be right back." I say and run to the bathroom. I grab the first aid kid, some make up wipes and a brush. I run back to the couch not wanting the leave her  alone for long. I sit on the coffee table across from her and she is just staring into space.
"Hey I'm just going to pop this ice pack it may be a loud sound okay?" I say knowing something loud might trigger her. I pop the ice pack and she jumps a little at the sound and locks eyes with me. They look so scared. I've never seen a look so desperate, asking to be held and caressed as loved. My stomach starts fluttering but I push it aside and slowly hold the ice pack up to her eyebrow where it looks like it's starting to swell. She flinched a little when it touches her skin but she melts into my arms since I'm so close to her. I wrap my arms around her shoulders and she lays her head on my shoulder. I feel her start to cry before I hear her and I pull back and caress her cheek with my hand and wipe her tears away. "Can you tell me what happened honey, I can help." I say quietly.
She shakes her head.
"We don't have to talk about it yet, we can wait until you're ready sweetie." I rub her back in small circles hoping her breathing will regulate. After a couple minutes she leans back and looks into my eyes. "Hi" she says smiling
"Hi sweets" I say with a wink. "Uh I don't want to send you into another panic but aren't you suppose to have a little girl with you?" I ask wondering where Rose is.
"Oh Lizzie is going to drop her off, they were at the park and went for ice cream while I spoke to ..." she trailed off now seemingly lost in thought. I placed my hand on her knee and she snapped her eyes to my hand. I retreated my hand slowly and apologized. "I'm sorry I just didn't want to lose you again." I say shyly. Luckily there's a knock at the door that saves me from embarrassing myself some more. I release my hold on her to stand up and she looks almost disappointed when I let go. I open the door to see a small blonde smiling and another blonde who I sort of recognize.
"Y/n?" The taller blonde says
"Um yes you must me Lizzie and Rose, please come in." They both step inside and I shut the door. "Scarlett's right inside, I'm going to just grab some waters." They follow me inside and Lizzie freezes when she sees Scarlett on the couch and a first aid kit infromt of her. "Hey Rose do you want to help me in the kitchen? I just got some new nuggets you can pick which ones you want for dinner?" I ask hoping she will follow me into the kitchen and not go over to see her mother.
"Sure! I love chicken nuggets!" She says happily following me into the kitchen.
As rose is picking out Dino nuggets she wants putting them on the tray I see Lizzie comforting Scarlett on the couch. They are hugging and she's whispering something in her ear. Looks like a wonderful friendship. I put the nuggets and chicken breasts in the oven and Rose helps me chop the veggies with a special cutter I had for kids. Yes I use it, shush. We managed to finish the salad without making a huge mess. We got distracted taste testing our salad toppings but I'd say the salad looks delicious. I had a lot of fun with the little squirt in that short amount of time. I send Rose to put the plates and forks on the table and I walk into the living room to see Scar and Lizzie talking and small smile on Scarlett's face while Lizzie looks like she's telling a story.
"Hey ladies, dinner will be ready in about 5 minutes. If you want to join Rose at the table I'll bring the food out." I say as they both look up at me.
"Wow y/n I can't thank you enough right now." Scarlett says looking up at me with tears in her eyes.
"So hun, you don't remember me do you." Lizzie says looking at me.
"Um you look familiar but I'm not sure from where. Want to remind me?" I say kind of warily
"Well my last name is Olsen." She says and smirks.
Shit. That means she's related to MK & Ashley Olsen from The Row. But why does she know me.
"Oh so a sister of the twins, did we do a show together?" I ask.
"No, you just used to hang with me in between takes at photo shoots or at the shows. You were young back then. Maybe 11 or 12. You really don't remember?" She asks.
"Oh wait Lizard? No way!!" I say a little to excited.
"Wait you two know each tiger?" Scarlett ask
"Scar, y/n used to be a very well know model when she was younger. She was in like every little kid clothing ad or commercial and walked shows for everyone including Ash and MK." Lizzie states as if it's world breaking news.
"It's not a big deal Lizard. You know how I felt about it deep down. Let's not make this into a big deal." I say awarkldy  I had anxiety as a kid. I didn't like being the center of attention so obviously those shows were hard for me. My parents didn't understand but Lizzie did. She always knew how to spot my panic attacks before they started and would be able to ground me pretty fast. I'm pretty good at hiding it now so I haven't had to worry about it as much. And when my sister was born it took the attention away at home so that was 1/2 part of my life I didn't  have to worry about too many questions.
I turn around and walk into the other section of the room with the large table to make sure Rose is alright and hoping the other woman would follow. They do and they both praise Rose on how well she set everything up. I head to the kitchen o grab the plates and Lizzie follows me.
"Hey y/n/n, I'm sorry I didn't realize some people don't know who you are. I should've been more cautious about what I say. But I want you to know I'm so proud of what you became. Look at you! A lawyer!!" She says ash she puts an arm around my shoulder squeezing a little "they would be so proud." She smiles softly. I clear my throat and just pick up the plates and nod to her to grab the others and follow. We put the dishes on the table while I help rose pick out some nuggets for her plate and help her pick out the veggies from the salad to put on her plate. I don't mind I think it's cute. I laugh as she steal another tomato from the big bowl and Scarlett send her a glare.
"Y/n this looks amazing. Thank you for all of this." Scarlett says. We eat dinner talking a lot with rose and her school day. She has a story for everything and she seems to ask a lot of questions. Questions are great. It means you like to learn. I listen intently to her stories and chime in when she talks to me but I can see that Scarlett is relaxing more and more through dinner. Her comfort is her daughter.
"Let me do the dishes. Please, and Rosie can help me we're getting good at it. Right rose!?" Lizzie yells as she drags rose out into the kitchen.
I look at Scar and nod my head to follow me. I grab her hand and lead her upstairs and I stop infromt of my room.
"Now normally I don't take woman to my bedroom until at least the 3rd date but for you it's an exception." I say and wink and she chuckles. God her smile is amazing. "Also we'll be in here for like 2 seconds so" I trail off as I open the door and walk in. I turn on the desk lamp just so I can see my closet entrance. I walk quickly into my closet when I feel Scarlett still close behind. I flip my closet light on and quickly look at my hoodies and grab two. I usher is out and shut the lights as we leave. She doesn't comment anything, just follows me around. I lead her up the next set of stairs to the roof and hand her my hoodie before I open the door. Knowing it's dark out and it'll be colder I slip my hoodie on as does she and I push the door open. A cold breeze slaps me in the face but it feels good. I walk her out onto my pool deck. My pool is heated so I figured it would be a calm area to dip our toes into. I sit down on the deck and plop my legs into the pool. Scarlett sits down next to me and does the same thing. I slowly lay back so my eyes are staring up at the night sky.
"I remember the first time I left the city. I went on a field trip with  my school to go camping. We went somewhere in Pensylvannia and that was one of the first times I actually remember seeing stars." I state. "I would always get upset when I came out here and looked up and didn't see the stars at night. But then I would look around at the city and man those views can simulate stars sometimes in my eyes." I say as I sit up again and look into her eyes.
"I know what you mean, I lived here my whole life and you forget about what stars even are because you can't see them. Then we you do, you feel like you're missing out. But the city has its own way of bringing out the best in people." She says while looking back at me. "There's a million people just in nyc, and I always pick the worst ones." She sighs.
"Hey now, it's not your fault you see the best in people." I say soothingly
"But they don't turn out to be the best. I always end up broken hearted and look this time I'm physically hurt." She whispers almost crying
I put my arm around her shoulder and try to comfort her. How do I tell her I can help again without pushing her? I can just say it? I guess I can try
"Sweetie you know I'm here to help right. I mean why did you come here?" I ask
"Well I came because I thought you said I could come at any time. And I felt safe. I needed to feel safe again." She pleads.
"Ofcourse babe I love that you came to me. But are you going to tell me what happened or are we just going to forget about what happened?" I ask hoping she takes the first option.
"I told him. I told him I wanted a divorce and he said some nasty things and did even nastier things but ultimately got too frustrated and kicked me out. As I was grabbing a couple of roses things he appeared again. He started chugging scotch. Right in front of me. Inches from my face. He started saying awful thing about me and I thought I could handle my emotions but when he-" she stops and takes a deep breath. "When he said he purposely got a bastedtomy before our wedding so I could never have his babies I lost it. I smacked her across the face and that's when he chocked me. I deserves it. I started it. It's my fault so please we can't press charges it will just come back to me." She rambles.
"Baby no. Listen it's not your fault. Just because you slapped him doesn't give him the right to almost kill you." I say as I run her back up and down to try and smooth her. "Keep going what happened next."
"Um I was up against the wall and almost blacking out until I knees him in the balls. I somehow got up and out of there and came straight here" she says not crying. Tears rolling down her face and I can feel my heart brake.
"Ok hears what we're gonna do. We're gonna submit all the paperwork tonight. Also get a restraining order out into place. I know anjudge. We're going to have to go to the police station too." I say before I'm cut off by scarlet wrapping her arms around my neck and basically straddling me.
"Please no police y/n. I can't do a trial." Scarlet pleads.
"We won't have to do a trial unless I press charges but we need to put it on record and it will allow the restraining order to be 90 days not 30 days." I explain to her while holding her tight.
"Okay do I have to leave. Can they come here?" She ask from the crook of my neck.
"No sweets. I'll handle everything and let you know when they are here. Stay here tonight please. I don't know how long it will take and I have plenty of bedrooms for everyone. Lizzie too if you want her to stay." I tell her so she doesn't have to worry.
"Thank you, l can't ever explain to you how ouch I owe you. I should go downstairs and settle rose down to bed before making some calls. I need to call Kate and my mom." She tells me. I lead her back to the living room to see rose sleeping on the couch while Lizzie reads my books on the other couch.
"Hey Liz, I'm gonna stay here tonight you can stay too if you want." Scar says to her. I pick Rose up and walk her upstairs to the guest room next to mine. I tuck her in and head back downstairs to the other ladies. Scar is on the phone in my office and Liz is on the couch.
"Hey so I'll stay for the police officers but I'm gonna he's snack to my so sisters place after because I have work early tomorrow and I didn't bring anything." She says
"Are you sure you could borrow some clothes for me." I state e
"Thanks y/n/n but I'll be sure to come back over after work tomorrow I'm Scar will still be here." And she winks.
"What's that mean" I whisper yell.
"I see the way you look at her. It's about time you settled down." She says laughing at me.
"I'm 24 what do you mean settle down" I laugh
"All I'm saying is I always knew you had a kink for older woman" she winks and walks to the door when the doorbell goes off.
*time skip because I'm lazy*

The police are finally gone. I was able to get the restraining order granted although I do owe judge Grant an expensive bottle of Scotch. Lizzie just left and Scarlett and  I are on the couch with a glass of wine in hand. Her hand is resting on her head while her elbow leans on the thigh holding her head up. She looks at me through her wine glass as she takes a sip.
"So what else don't I know about you y/n, if that even is your real name." She asks tauntingly
"Hmm that's a tricky question. Have you ever googled yourself?" I ask teasingly
"Once when I was like 22 and that ended badly" she chuckles.
"Well it can't be that bad now right?" I ask.
"How about you google me, and I google you." She says.
We both take out phones so we can do just that I laugh when the first thing that pops up is a picture of her face first on the ground outside a night club.
"Ugh don't tell me that picture is still up there" she rolls her eyes already knowing what I'm looking at.
"It says here you started working as young as 10 but stopped for schooling when you were 18. Beauty and Brains I see" she says smirkingly
"It also says you have a black belt in karate, know 5 languages and are head of the l/n memorial foundation tha provides a million pounds of food to homeless shelters around the world" she says with her eyebrows raised.
"All that and your only 24. How did you get through school so fast." She asks me.
"What it doesn't say that on Wikipedia?" I ask laughing.
"No babes it's doesn't." She says curiously.
My lower stomach fluttered  at the nickname.
"Well thanks to Anna actually. She pushed for my double major which I finished in two years  got accepted the law school and finished that in two years also. It helps when all I did was eat breath and sleep law." I chuckle 
"Wow I am impressed I have to say. Anything Wikipedia left out?"
Oh yeah my parents died from a car crash that I was with them for and forced my sister into an orphanage at 12 years old while I ran away from eberyone and slept on Martha and Henry's couch.
"Nope that's pretty much it" I state with a cheesy grin.
"Well it's getting late, do you have work in the morning?" I ask Scarlett
"I called in sick for tomorrow but Rose has to be at school at 8 so I'd probably have to leave here about 7:30." Scarlett says almost thinking out loud.
"Great. I'm usually up by 6. If you hear banging around I'm just in the gym in my basement. I'll make sure you guys are awake though." I tell her as I lead her up stairs. I show her my door again and show her where rose is asleep.
"You can sleep with Rose if you want, or the room next to her is free as well. I just put fresh sheets too. You know where I'll be. Come in if you need anything I will absolutely sleep through a knock so don't even bother." I says laughing knowing I'm such a heavy sleeper.
"Thanks so much y/n". Scar whispers to me before I'm squeezed into a hug. She goes into roses room and sends me a smile before closing the door. I head to my room and remember she doesn't have anything to sleep in. I quickly gosh some sleep shorts and a big T-shirt out and walk to roses room. I knock quietly and wait for an answer. The door creeks open and Scarlett's stands there red eyed.
"Oh sweetie I'm sorry I didn't mean to disturb you I just realized you didn't have anything comfort to sleep in. Coke here." I say guiding her out of the room into my room. She's still weeping as she sits on my bed. I give her a side hug and rub her back up and down.  She says a small thank you and takes the clothes going into my bathroom to change. She comes out and my god does she look adorable. My shirts a little big and she probably rolled my shorts a little but she makes my clothes look so good. She shuffles a little so she's standing right in front of me. She slowly puts her knee on one side of my legs while the other straddles the other leg. She hugs me so tight like she thinks I'll disappear. I hug her back equally as tight to let her know I'm right here. I scoot back a little and lay down bringing her with me. "You can stay here baby, I got you." I whisper as I stroke her arm up and down. She nuzzles her face closer to my chest and after a few minutes her breathing evens out and she's asleep. And after a couple minutes of overthinking I fall asleep with a smile on my face.

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