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Y/ns POV
Man oh man am I in a good mood today! John and I along with Scarlett and Johns wife, Jenna went to dinner last night and he officially asked me to be partner and take over the legal aspects of any movie and tv clients. As of now he only has one, but that's because he primarily works with the music industry. But now having a TV and movie side added onto his brilliant office he is sure to get more clients. So today was my first day with a client who actually wanted ME specifically to represent her. She was a Disney actress turned singer but wants to sue the big House of the Mouse. And suing someone as big as Bob Iger and Disney is a tough case especially for my first one but after todays meeting and all the proof she has I'm sure I can at least get her a good settlement. So now,  I'm on my way home on a high from the meeting and I know we are having the girls over tonight for a 'who's the daddy' party as Lizzie called it. She sent out invitations and everything. Which made no sense because it was just Flo and her sisters but I guess she wanted her sisters to be excited to fly in.

I pull into my driveway seeing Lizzie's car already here along with Scarlett's. I thought they were coming over later, around dinner time. It's only 2:30. I park my car and walk in through the garage entrance and into the kitchen and see MK in there blowing up balloons.

"Hey!" I yell and she jumps making the balloon loose it's air and deflate flying around the kitchen.

"You ass. But hello" she laughs and hugs me.

"What's all this?" I ask

"Lizzie the dictator put me to work so you better hide before she sees you." mK rolls her eyes

"Babe!" I hear being yelled and smile at MK before leaving to find my wife. "Baby!!" I hear her yell again which makes me pick up my pace and I see Scarlett at the top of the stairs and she's motioning me to be quiet but to come up to her. So I slip my heels off and quickly run up the stairs to her and she wraps me in a hug giggling.

"What's going on down there?" I ask still confused.

"Lizzie came over and banished me to our bedroom. When I told her I still had work to do and needed your office she started crying and I felt so bad so I came up here with my laptop but I've been hearing her yell at her sisters and boss them around. I'm scared" she rambles really fast and I have to stop myself from laughing because I can't tell if she's actually scared or not.

"So you want to sacrifice me to tell her to leave and see if I get chewed up by the hormone dragon?" I say and she burst out laughing.

"No no let her do what she wants but I need to get some papers down there and she's scary!" She laughs

"Okay I'll get it, what do you need."

"All the papers on your desk, and then in my work bag I need the script for Noah's movie and your laptop too if I can't be in your office to use your computer" she lists out

"Okay, did you eat? Are you hungry?" I ask

"Mmmm I could eat" she says in a quirky way and it's so cute so I laugh at her.

"You're adorable" I say grabbing her hips and pulling her close for a quick kiss. "

"How was your meeting by the way?" She asks

"Friggin awesome! I'm super excited to get started" I say and see how happy she is for me just by the look on her face.

"I'm so proud baby." She says kissing my lips again.

"I'll be right back. If I'm not back in 10 minutes call the Avengers" I say and she laughs as I let her go and head back downstairs.

"I am the Avengers!" She laughs while I shhhh her and try to sneak around the staircase to my office. I go into my office unseen and gather all the paperwork on my desk. I know it's all hers because I cleaned up in here before I left this morning. I head back out on my tippy toes looking both ways before dashing across the halls and peaking around the corner. I see MK blowing up balloons still but no sign of Lizzie or Ash. Crap where is Scarlett's work bag? I glance by the door but nothing is there. Maybe the living room? As I'm tip toeing through the living room I see movement from my left but then I'm on my ass in the middle of the floor with Ashley on top of me.

My Everything (Scarlett Johansson)Where stories live. Discover now