
978 26 5

Y/ns POV
I wake up in the middle of the night but I'm not sure why. I don't have to pee, I didn't have a dream or anything I could remember, so why am I awake? Then I hear it. I hear Scarlett getting sick in the bathroom and realize she's not in bed with me. I jump out of bed and walk into the already open but dark bathroom. I see her hunched over the toilet through the small light signing in through the window from the moon. I rub her back when I get close enough and feel her flinch not knowing I was here

"It's me baby. Can I get you anything?" I ask

"A new uterus. I have cramps" she pouts and turns to me falling into my chest as I kneel down.

I know she doesn't have her period so it worries me when she says cramps.

"Cramps? Would those be contractions?" I ask getting a little more worried since we are still a little early for the baby to be coming.

"Maybe. Probably Braxton hicks but ow fuck" she says curling up into a ball and squeezing my hands. "They hurt baby" she cries.

"Cmon let's get up off the floor, do you feel sick still?" I ask

"Not anymore, at first I was nauseous but now I just feel woozy from the pain." She explains.

"I got you baby" I make sure she feels safe and secure before I walk her back to bed. "Does this feel normal or should I call Dr. Deluca?" I ask once she's settled under the blankets. I know she's had Rose naturally and experienced labor before so I wonder if this is something she's felt before. I feel her forehead which isn't warm so she's not sick.

"Dont call, it has to be Braxton hicks. It's too early to be labor" she says breathing in a deep breath and letting out a deeper breath.

"Want some heat? Maybe it will help the cramps?" I suggest knowing I like the heating pad when I'm on my period. I'm sure her cramps are more intense than period cramps, but I have no idea honestly.

"Mhmm, and a pickle with 4 takis and a glass of cold water." She says being oddly specific.

"You got it baby. Can you take anything?" I ask already knowing she will say no even if she can but ask anyway.

"No. No medicine." She mumbles and shoos me away from her because my hands are on her shoulder and she must feel over whelemed.

I quickly give her space and walk over to the door to leave. I quietly head downstairs, aware that Lizzie, Robbie and Penelope are asleep in a guest room as well as Rose being asleep too. I head into the dark kitchen focusing my eyes on the Refridgerator and nothing else. Something about a pitch black room gives me the creeps and I feel like if I look around I'm going to see something lurking in the corner....

I make it to the fridge and open the door getting the pickles out and the water pitcher we have. I turn around and place it on the kitchen island behind me and turn back to the cabinets. Using the refrigerator light I find the takis and grab 4 of them holding them in my one hand while I close the bag and place it back in the cabinet. I turn toward the sink to grab a papertowel to place them in but see a figure sitting at the bar island across from where I was just standing. Out of fear, my first response is to squeal like a little girl and flail my arms up and as I do that the takis go flying into different directions of the kitchen while my eyes focus on the figure and my heart rate beats about 100 times per second.

"I wish I had my phone. The scream that just came out of you would sell for millions" Lizzie's voices is just above a whisper and I can focus my eyes more seeing she's sitting at the counter feeding Penelope. When the fuck did she get there?

"Liz what the hell? How long have you been there?"

"Since before you came down. I had to feed Penelope and I'm tired, so I didn't make it far to sit down and feed her but then I saw you coming down. You didn't notice me so I just watched you. See how long it took ya know" she says with a smirk and I roll my eyes.

My Everything (Scarlett Johansson)Where stories live. Discover now