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Y/ns POV
4:30pm on a Thursday and I'm just leaving Melanie's house/office for my therapy session of the week. It was kind of heavy this session as she finally got me to open up more about my parents and their death. She said one thing that rubbed me the wrong way though. She said she thinks I think I'm going to turn into my parents and I'm afraid of that. Which confused me because I love my parents and they were great parents to me and my sister, so why would I be scared? Maybe because I'm afraid of letting them down. Or maybe because I know how I felt when they did certain things to me and I never want to make my children feel that way. Nevertheless I'm not in the best mood on the way home so when I pull into my driveway seeing Roberts car there I almost think about turning around and going anywhere else.

I've been dodging him but I am busy with work and studying for the BAR which is Saturday morning. TWO DAYS AWAY. I glance at my phone seeing a text sent a while ago from Scarlett warning me that Robert stopped by, but I get out of the car and head inside anyway. Opening the door I see through the back glass doors that Scarlett and Robert are sat in the backyard. I tiptoe upstairs and take my time changing my clothes. It's April now so the weather is getting warmer quickly, im just excited because soccer starts soon for Rose and she gets to play in really games this year.

Right, back to the annoying father figure downstairs. I walk down stairs and grab a water from the fridge before walking out the back door.

"Hey kiddo!" Robert says and I sit next to Scarlett.

"Hey" I say and then turn and kiss Scarlett on the cheek.

"How was work?" He asks

"I don't need the small talk why are you here?" I ask

"Babe!" Scarlett gasps and sends me a death stare.

"I just wanted to see how you're doing?" He says confused by my interaction.

"I'm fine" I say and I mentally scold myself because he looks hurt.

"Well I see I'm not wanted here so thank you for the iced tea Scarlett. I'll see you on set tomorrow." He says standing, going to walk to the door. Scarlett's eyes bore into me and I know I have to get up. I sigh before chasing after him.

"Wait! I'm sorry don't leave. I just didn't expect you to be here today and I've had a long day" I say

"You've been dodging me for weeks now, I don't care if you don't want to go to a meeting but I do care if you don't want to see me again! I thought we were closer than that and you going radio silent on me worried me." He says and instantly feel a pain in my chest at how I hurt him.

"I'm sorry. I've just been so busy between work and studying or taking stupid practice tests. Then I'm home and focus any energy I have left on Scarlett and rose. I haven't seen lizzie in a week and a half either!" I ramble out remembering I never made it to set that day and just moped around the house on my day off.

"Hey I get it. But I care about you so I'm going to check on you if I'm worried. Especially if your not answering your calls. Now talk to me. What happened today?" He says

"Was just talking to Melanie about my parents. She thinks I'm afraid to turn into them. But why would I be because they were good parents?" I say

"We're they though?" He asks

"They did what they had to do and once I went into the industry I helped them with all that." I say confused still

"Okay so why do you think you're afraid? Did they do things you didn't like?" He asks

I nod my head yes.

"Maybe you think your going to treat your children how they treated you. But honestly. No one knows what there doing when it comes to parenting. So I think your parents were doing the best they can with what they know. And you have a great head on your shoulders so I know you'll use what YOU know when it comes to parenting. And you do all the time when you interact with Rose" he says and I think for a minute about his words.

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