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Y/ns POV
Fuck I hate doctors. I walk into the familiar clinic but sit on a different side of the waiting room for my appointment. A nurse calls my name and brings me through the clinic to another part that looks like where the clinic and hospital are attached and I realize I'm  in the actual hospital now. That's when I see another waiting room and Robert sat in there.

"Hey kid" he says as I walk over to him confused.

"What are you doing here?" I ask

"Support." He says smiling and I just smile back knowing he's here for me. I get called in by a nurse and I make Robert come with me by dragging him by his hand. I can tell nurses recognize him even with his crappy LA dodgers hat on, and giggle when the nurses are falling into go-go land for him.

"You think you can maybe not be Ironman for one day?"

"If I could I would kid" he says laughing.

About 3 minutes go by before a younger girl walks in with a white coat. Must be the doctor.

"Hi! I'm Maggie Pierce! I see you've been recommended by Carina Deluca. What can I do for you guys?" She asks me

"Uh I had some tests done for egg retrieval and some things came up" I say and she opens my chart looking at it. I swear I thought doctors look before they see their patients but I could be wrong.

"I see yes, okay so is it okay if we run some tests today? We have all the machines we need right in the hospital" she asks and I nod. She makes us stand and follow her down the hall to a much bigger room with all different machines and I see excessive balls and treadmills too.

"This is my favorite place, the cardio gym is what I call it. But essentially just a place to keep everything together. We're going to start with a stress test and then I will hook you up to an EKG monitor and others okay?" She says and I just nod a bit intimidated already.

She has me do a series of tests which include jogging on the treadmill for 30 minutes. After the physical tests she sets up the heart monitor and says I have to just wait another 30 minutes and then she can go over the results.

"So, boy or girl?" Robert asks me and I'm confused


"Do you and Scar want to have a boy or a girl?" He asks

"Oh! I honestly don't care as long as they are healthy. But I think Scarlett wants a boy since she already has a girl" I say

"Have you chosen a donor?" He asks

"Not yet, we looked through a couple places where we could maybe choose from but haven't gotten that far yet."

"I see. Do you have to have that picked out before you get eggs taken out?" He asks

"Yep. It's better for the sperm to be waiting for the egg" I say

"Seems complicated. I thank the person up there for giving me a penis" he says and it makes me laugh

Dr. Pierce came back over a little while later disconnecting me from the machine and pulling out a long piece of paper with the readings.

"I've diagnosed you with just reading your EKG damn am I good" she brags and I look at her with raised eyebrows. "Sorry! Right so you have cardiomyopathy. Essentially a weak heart. Are you an alcohol or drug user?" She asks and I get embarrassed. But Robert squeezing my knee assuring me here's there for me.

"Used to be" I say

"That explains it. Heavy usage of those products can lead to this. That's why your level were out of wack. But luckily for you a pill once a day should help level you out and keep you stable." She says

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