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"Holy shit you look beautiful"

"Come here" she says patting the bed.

"Holy shit" I say again unable to move. She looks so amazingly beautiful and sexy and submissive in that position. She laughs seeing I'm frozen and gets up. She stands infront of me and and grabs my hands making me follow her to the bed. "How are you here. I feel like I just talked to you."

"I was already here when you talked to me." She giggles.

"No way!"

"Yes way!" We both laugh at each other. She sits down on the edge of the bed and it's hard to keep my eyes on just her eyes. She sees my eyes roaming and lifts my chin to look at her.

"I finished even earlier than expected. So what better way to come home, than to surprise my wife half naked" she raps in my ear as she leans in kissing my neck. She pushes me so I'm on my back so I lay flat and then gets up walking to my nightstand drawer. She opens it and pull out the strapless strap. Her favorite. She comes back over to me, my legs are bent over the side of the bed but my back in flat on the bed so when she steps inbetween me she hovers over my body before climbing up me and settling on my stomach.

"I missed you a lot, and last night I had a dream. It was crazy vivid and it was about you." She says

"What did I or we do in this dream?" I ask

"I rode your pretty cock, but I handcuffed both arms to the bed." She says in a low raspy voice and she smirks.

"Deal! Ding Ding Ding! I volunteer as tribute!" I yell out making her laugh.

"You'd be down? Really?" She asks checking.

"Hell yeah baby. To be handcuffed by you, mmmm" I moan at the end while rolling my eyes. So she smiles and climbs off me. I hear her rummaging through her suitcase and lean up to watch. She pulls out two pairs of silver handcuffs. They even have a number carved into the side like a real handcuff from a police station.

"Where'd you get those?" I chuckle.

"Stole them off set" she says and walks slowly swaying her hips towards me.

"Can you move up for me?" She asks and I do. I move so my head is on a pillow and I raise my arms close to each corner of the headboard, waiting for her. Her hooks one set on my hand then the other part to the loop between our headboard. Then does the same to the other arm.

"Pull on it'' she says as she straddles me. I jerk both arms and pull on the restraints but they don't budge.

"Good girl" she says sending a pulsing into my core. "Now spread your legs so I can get your ready for your end." She says and I listen obediently.

She chuckles at how eager I am but doesn't let it stop her from moving closer to my heat. I feel her breath on my core as she leans closer from her knees. I glance up at her see how perfect her hips and back look at this position. I try to reach for her but groan when the clanking of the handcuffs bang against the headboard. I hear her chuckle before she licks right into my core. Sending her tongue swirling through my folds in a continuous circle. She doesn't touch my entrance or clit, carefully and expertly caressing just the flaps and in between of my pussy.

"Jesus Christ your not going to make this fair" I moan out. She is relentless on her tongue flicking and she finally moves up to my clit making me squirm in the best way. She sucks harshly on it making my hips buck as she pulls away and sits up with a huge smile on her face.

"I think you're ready" she say satisfied with her work. She takes the smaller side of the strap and slowly pushes it into me. "Easy, oh s-shit" I moan because i feel a lot tighter now, not having used this in a little while. "Are You okay?" She asks once she gets it in. I wiggle my hips and nod saying I'm good.

My Everything (Scarlett Johansson)Where stories live. Discover now