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POV y/n
To say I'm tired is an understatement. Since Monday night, when Olivia confessed to us that she was trying to infiltrate a highly secretive club, I've been up all hours of the night trying to crack this little black book. Olivia claims there is a secret society that are trafficking people but mainly little kids. She said she discovered it while defending Harvey Weinstein on an underage rape case a year ago. She got him off, and then he later confessed to her he did know the girl but not that he did anything sexual to her. But after he realized Olivia didn't go blabbing about it he started inviting her to parties.

These parties had the most elite of the elite, ex-presidents and prime ministers, actors and actress' and rich billionaires that own oil or anything big in the world. They were essentially, giant orgys. The fact that Olivia was married, and well respected in the law community is opened a network or clients for her to offer services too and anything Harvey needed help with, Olivia did it. Including manipulating photos to make it look like a detective was cheating on his wife so he wouldn't open a case about what Olivia is looking into. Olivia knows something else is going on because there's an area at all the parties she's not allowed into. Which is why she stole Harvey's little black book and gave it to be to decipher it. She said he writes in it every time someone goes into those areas that no one allowed, she's seen the Prince of England go in there so it has to be something special. But because I've been so wrapped up in this book every night after work, I over slept this morning.

Scarlett definitely woke me up, and I definitely told her I was going to get up but I guess I never made it out of bed because my phone is ringing as I jolt out of bed finally and answer it.


"Y/n, are you at work?"

"Liz? Oh uh no I'm home."

"Are you feeling okay? Why aren't you at work?"

"I just over slept. Shit what time is it?" I say running around my room looking for a clock. Why don't I have a clock in here? I run downstairs and look at the kitchen clock and see it's only 9am.

I don't even realize Lizzie is talking on the phone, I must have tuned her out in my slight panic. "Y/n? Hello??"

"Sorry Lizzie I'm here. I just had a slight panic attack because I thought I missed Scarlett's appointment."

"That's why I'm calling. Remember to record the heartbeat. I need it" Lizzie says


"So I can figure out what your having!" She says like it's an obvious answer.

"How would you do that?" I ask

"Compare it to Pennys. If it's faster or equal it's a girl and if it's slower it's a boy!" She says

"Ummm okay Liz. Whatever you say" I say not very convinced.

"I'm bored y/n! I can't work, I can't have sex, I can't even—"

"Liz do not say anything more please my ears are bleeding." I beg of her

"Shut up and go shower! I can smell you through the phone."

"Love you too Liz, I'll call you later" I laugh and hang up. A shower is just what I need to wake me up. The appointment is at 11 and I know Scarlett is at The Outset office and meeting me there so she can go back to work after but it's our first appointment. I have to make it special don't I?

I let my hair dry natural while throwing on a simple outfit but I try to look good because I want to impress my wife. Even though we've been together for a while and are married I never want to get too comfortable. I don't want to fall into something where we fall out of love or something because we stop going on dates and don't remember to out our relationship first. So I spice up my outfit with some necklaces and rings and I really like these jeans I put on because my ass looks great in them. I head out the door and go to a supermarket, I need flowers, candy and a coffee. Luckily there's a Starbucks here and I'm looking at the perfect bunch of flowers. I remember reading somewhere pink roses are great for expecting mothers so that's what I get. I find the cutest little card with a woman with a big belly on the front and it's blank window so I can write whatever I want. I pay for all of that and grab the coffee before I head toward the clinic. I'm super grateful that Dr. Deluca agreed to be our OB. She's someone we know and feel comfortable with since we did the whole IVF process with her and now she gets to see it through and deliver our baby in 7 and a half months. As I'm pulling into the parking lot Scar calls me.

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