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Y/ns POV
I DID IT. I asked the love of my life to marry me. AND SHE SAID YES!!!!! Ugh god I'm on cloud fucking 9 right now. Scar and I are driving back to MKs to meet everyone else there. Her arm is wrapped around mine and her hand in mine while I twist the newly put ring on her finger. She stares down at it every couple of seconds and smiles and it makes me feel so good. Like I picked a good.

"Baby can we make a pit stop?" She asks.
"Sure. Where to?" I ask.
"Raymond's" she says.
"Oh I uh ordered some things from there. They are at MKs." I say shyly.
"You did!!! Did you get any muffins?" She asks and I nod no
She gives me a puppy dog look and I groan "okay okay we can stop but we have to be quick. People are already waiting for us" I say but her smile grows and she does a little happy dance in her seat. We pull up to Raymond's and since I plan on being fast I park in front of the shop and run around to open Scarlett's door. I help her out and we link hands walking inside. No one's in there since it's close to closing, and I don't see Martha or Henry yet either. Scar lets go of my hand and walks behind the counter.
"Babe I know we're like getting married soon but I can't even walk back there" I say laughing and she turns to look at me. She reaches down and bends so I can't see her and when she bends up she has a tiny little boom box. She hits play and it's Bruno Mars "I think I wanna marry you" a huge smile breaks out on her face and I stand there very confused.

"I had this whole plan next week, I was going to take you to dinner and romance you and then ask you to marry me. But you beat me to it." She says and walks out from behind the counter. She walks up to me grabbing my hands. "Dance with me" she says and I wrap my hands around her waist while she wraps her arms around my neck. We slowly glide around and she continues to talk.

"You have made my life whole again. Turned it right side up. Before you I was wondering aimlessly on this earth, but with you I have a path I can follow. Baby you are the best thing that's happened to me and my little girl. I love you so much." She says while we are dancing around the bakery floors. Good thing noones in here or else they would think we were crazy. She stops moving and goes to kneel but I stop her. "Don't get dirty" I say but she smirks and kneels anyway.
"Marry me" she says and pulls out a simple diamond band with diamonds going all around.

I nod my head yes as fast as it would go because I currently cannot speak

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I nod my head yes as fast as it would go because I currently cannot speak. Too afraid I'll start crying and never stop. She skips the band on and starts to say "I got this specific band because 1. You are not the gaudy jewelery type. 2. It's an infinity band, which equivalates to my love for you and 3. It'll match with everything you wear and not get in the way." She explains and my heart swells. She knows me so well.
"I love it baby. And I love you" I say and look at the ring before I hug her tight. We stay hugging fora minute or two until I grab her ass which makes her giggle and pull away. I look around wondering where Martha or Henry is before Scar speaks up.

"They left. They left the shop open for us. I called a little before we left" she says winking and I just pick her up and spin her around before kissing her passionately. I let all my love and feelings out in this kiss and I know she can tell because when we pull away way she immediately says "wow".

We finally pull into MKs driveway with some extra muffins and walk inside the house.
"Woooahh heyyy!!l
"About time!!" We hear yelled in chorus.

"Sorry got distracted!!!" I say waving my hand around showing off the ring Scar just gave me. Lizzie comes running up to me and grabs my hand staring at the band. "Wow it fits you" she says and hugs Scar. We all head to the kitchen to start the party but I can see Rose is not going to last much longer. I decline a drink knowing I want to drive us home later but MK rolls her eyes and shoves one in my hand
"Drink. Sleep here. Go home tomorrow." She says and I look at Scar who nods so I chug the fruity drink she gave me and place it on the counter.
"Let me put Rose to bed and then I better be coming back down to some shots." I say to Mk and she does a little dance and runs into her liquor closet. Yes, a closet.

I pick Rose up off the couch and Robert she's half sleeping on and wink to Robert. I carry her upstairs with her head resting on my shoulder. I find a bedroom and tuck her into the bed. I kiss her head and whisper "goodnight little flower" and go to walk out. Right before I close the door she whispers "love you mama" and rolls over. God I'm never going to get used to that am I? I feel my emotions get heavy and I feel like crying. I walk downstairs hiding my tears but Scar sees right through me.
"What's wrong baby" she says worried.
"Rosie. She's just cute" I say and sniffle which make Scar look at me with such loving eyes.
"She loves you a lot" she says and wraps me into a hug. MK marches over and untangles us "I was promised shots with y/n. Let's goooo" she says dragging me to the kitchen. I see 6 shots lined up waiting. She takes one and hands it to me and takes one herself. We cheered, clink the table then take the shot. We do 2 more right after and  I stick my tongue out feeling like I could breath fire. I glance at Scar who's talking to Brie and Robert and she winks at me and takes a shot herself. This is going to be a fun night!
The next morning I wake up on the floor in a bedroom. I groan feeling how sore my back is, and my head. I sit up when I hear someone throw up in the bathroom I'm laying next too. I look around seeing Rose is in the bed asleep so I guess Scar and I slept in here last night. I grab the water from the nightstand and open the door if the bathroom. scar is hunched over puking and after she releases everything I see her sit back on her ass and put her head up against the tiled wall. I sit next to her handing her the open water bottle and she takes is graciously. I don't have to talk, she knows I'm here for her. She takes a sip but immediately sits up to puke again. I hold her hair back and rub her back until she finishes and then she slumps into my arms.
"It's okay baby, I got you" I say and pick her up bringing her back to the bed. I grab a garbage can from the bathroom and place it on the floor next to her and place the water on the nightstand again. I kiss her forehead while she snuggles up to rose and walk out and downstairs looking for ibuprofen. Finding it i slump on the couch after taking it waiting for someone else to wake up and cook breakfast. I'm awoken a few hours later with a weight on my chest. I smell bacon and lavender. I open my eyes to see Scar sleeping on me and most people are spread around the kitchen or living room talking and watching tv. Scarlett's phone starts ringing and Lizzie quickly silences it. She glances at me seeing I'm awake and mouths '4 times, Marcel' and realize Marcel has been trying to get in contact with Scar. I gently rub her back trying to wake her and luckily it does.
"Baby, marcel call a couple times" I say and she sits up and nods.
"I'll call him back in a minute. I want to snuggle my fiancé" she says and a huge smile spreads across my face. "Hi fiancé" I say and hug her tight. After a minute of cuddles she gets up to call Marcel in a quiet room. Lizzie mk and ash all jump on top of me when she leaves.

"How's it feel to be engaged!?" Ash says

"Amazing. Now she can plan the wedding cause this alone stressed me tf out.l" j say and we all laugh. Scar comes back in and sits on my lap pushing the twins off.
"Jimmy Fallon wants us on." She says to me.
"Us?" I say and she nods.
"Somebody leaked our engagement" she says and looks at Lizzie.
"I'm sorry! I was excited! I put some cute pictures on my story!!" She claims and I roll my eyes.
"It's fine baby, I'll go if you want me too" I say to Scarlett.
"I do. I'd love to have you next to me on his couch." She says and I nod agreeing.
"I'll do it, when?" I ask
"Tapings are Saturdays hours before the show. So...today." She says and my eyes go wide

"Shit I'm not prepared" I say

"Y/n Your a great talker. You talk out of your ass all the time. Just don't talk about Marvel and your fine" Lizzie says slapping a hand on my shoulder.
".....thanks Liz" I say with a straight face.
"Cmon let's go home, Liz and the twins will come and help us pick out outfits. Right?" Scar ask turning the them and they all nod.

Okay..it'll be fine....just a show that televised on national TV while million of people view it. No biggie.

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