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POV y/n
After speaking to Anna, John and Olivia they all agreed Olivia will go answer all questions and take any heat. Danny and I were just helping and she knows more than any of us. I agreed to help in anyway but since my wife's name is involved John will not let me on the case. Anna agreed to represent Olivia if she needed it. It's clear this is something bigger than we can handle and I believe the FBI needs to be involved. I'm going to do everything in my power to get this looked after and checked twice so I can make sure my wife is safe.

Scarlett also talked to Romain and he confirmed what she said but also said he hasn't heard from them in a long time too. He doesn't know why they would be trying to come after her after all this time. But then we realized, Scarlett is pregnant again. Even if it's not out in the world, there's always leaks and if they happened to find that out, that might be a reason to come after her again. Maybe try to make her do what they wanted with her second child. But I'll be damned.

Because of Olivia being questioned by the police, I was assigned her case at court today. It's only opening statements, and I'm just reading what she wrote which means it'll be a short day for me. I plan on surprising Scarlett and bring her lunch to the office while Kate is here visiting before I head to Lizzie's since I haven't seen her in a while. I haven't been feeling great though and really should try and nap so my headache doesn't get worse but I like to thrive on pain.

I'm currently in the courtroom listening to the other counselors opening statement and I can already see how much of a landslide win this is going to be for us. A big company is actually trying to sue her client for not showing up to press for his movie but his wife literally died the day before the press tour started. In anyone's eyes that's deemed an acceptable excuse to miss something so I'm sure I'm sure the jury will agree. 

"That concludes opening statements. Thank you Jury for your time. Everyone is expected to be here tomorrow morning by 8am to begin the trial. Have a good day." Judge Peters hits the gravel making the loud thump echo throughout the room. I begin to pack up the folder and put it in my briefcase when I feel someone staring at me and look up. I see Judge Peters staring at me and once we make eye contact  he motions his finger with a come here motion. I point at myself silently asking if he's talking to me and he nods his head yes.

My stomach instantly starts churning and I get nervous that I did something wrong. He's normally a nice guy, and as far as I know he didn't seem to be involved with that book but I cant really trust anyone can I ?

I approach the bench and he moves the microphone out of the way and leans forward so he's closer to the edge before talking. "Hello Counselor, where is Ms. Shultz?" He asks and I can feel my stomach doing flips right now because I don't know if I should tell him the truth or not.

"She had a personal emergency. Don't worry she will be here tomorrow." I state not really giving much but I didn't lie?

"Hmm. She's never missed an opening statement since she's came aboard with your boss." He says and I wait for him to finish but he just stares at me, like he's trying to catch me make a wrong move.

"Emergencies happen right? Luckily she trusted me to deliver her own words of an opening statement and I believe she got her point across efficiently and effectively." I say and little snarky towards the end but I don't like how he's looking at me.

"Yes, yes she did. Although I do wonder if she will be back tomorrow." He says and I quirk an eyebrow.

"Why wouldn't she?" I ask confused

"Have a great day counselor." He smiles and stands up. I go to turn around but here him speak and turn back around facing him.

"Oh and please tell her I hope her son feel better." He says with a light smirk on his face and venom in his tone.

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