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Scarlett's POV
It's been 6 weeks and we are heading to California. Y/n and I have talked about moving there a lot lately. We took a virtual tour of the school she found and I love it just as much as her. We even showed Rose and she didn't turn it down right away like any other school. She's going to have to pick something because she getting nowhere with a tutor. I'm super excited to see the land y/n bought too. She's been having designs sketched out for a layout of the house and it looks amazing. She asks for my input with everything and I just know it's going to be amazing with both our styles.
I've even talked to my mom about moving and she's excited for us. She wants to move also and is looking at areas nearby where y/n bought the land. I squeeze y/ns hand in the car as we drive to Lizzie's. I'm so excited to see everything.

The car stops in front of Lizzie's house and Lizzie comes running out and jumps in. "Hey guys! Hi my little Rosie" she says tickling rose.

"Auntie Lizzie! We're going to see grass!" Rose says happily and Lizzie snickers.

"She's not wrong" y/n says and looks out the window. She's been quiet this past week. I don't know if she's nervous about showing us everything or what but it's kinda cute.

"Are you guys excited to see everything!?" Lizzie asks.

"Yeah I want to see the land so we can start building."I say and Lizzie quirks an eyebrow.

"Oh yeah. You gotta see the layout. I think it's marked" Lizzie says and I think about how it all looks. The designs were cozy but spacious. I designed the entire backyard pool area so I'm excited to see that when it gets built.

10 minutes away from Lizzie's I see farmland and start to smile. I excitedly look out the window for anything that says empty land. There's a lot of it so I just stare. Then I feel the car slow down and when I look out the other side of the window I gasp.

"Babe. Is that-" I say before she cuts me off.

"Surprise" she says. And my jaw just drops. It's fucking beautiful.

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My Everything (Scarlett Johansson)Where stories live. Discover now