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Y/ns POV
It's now Wednesday. Three days until the wedding!! Scarlett and I specifically planned that we would do the welcome dinner tomorrow night so we could have Friday to spend a little time alone together before we're whisked away from one another until the wedding. Robert was nice enough to host the welcome dinner since there were a good chunk of people coming from out of town and our house was booked with guests and wedding things coming and going. All construction is done and the land looks amazing! It's going to look even better when the lights go up but my favorite part that we added were the tiny homes. We added 8 tiny homes right infront of the wild flower field so our guests had somewhere to stay that wasn't so far away. Scarlett's family is staying in our house, as well as Anna and some others, there's double bunking at Lizzie's for the twins and her parents. I felt bad making people buy hotel rooms so this way anyone who doesn't already live near LA would have somewhere to stay close.

I already know Chris Evans is gonna go crazy

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I already know Chris Evans is gonna go crazy. He loves little things even though he's a big guy. Right now Scarlett's in the shower, I'm half way dressed but Rose needed help in the kitchen so I'm helping her in there.

"No mama the princess cup!!" Rose gets a little snappy with me.

"Sorry sorry I got you." I say reaching for the cup and pouring her water. She takes the cup happily and sips it before placing it in the sink when it's empty.

Tonight we are having a low key dinner with scars family, since they will be arriving soon, Lizzie and Robbie, Kate and her husband Roger, and Robert and Susan, and Erin. I'm gonna barbecue for everyone just as a little pre wedding thank you. It's gonna get hectic and they are gonna be the ones helping.

I hear the doorbell go off and freeze. Fuck I have no shirt on. "Rose open the door and tell them-"
"I got it babe" I hear Scar shout from the top steps. Oh thank god. I quickly run toward the stairs and pass her as she's coming down. She slaps my ass as I head up and cackles when I actually yelp from not expecting it.

"Hii guys!" I hear Scarlett say when she opens the door. I run in my room fishing out any white shirt I can find and throw it on myself. Quickly letting my hair down and ruffle it up so my curls fall nicer and spritz some perfume on me and head downstairs.

"Y/n!" Hunter yells and we do a short little hand shake we made up a couple weeks ago and laugh after he messes up.

"What's up Hunt!"
"Excited for you guys!" He says wiggling his eyebrows

"Me too dude I can't wait." I say and see Scarlett's dad walk over to me.

"Karsten hi how are you?" I say going to shake his hand. He grabs it and pulls me foward for a hug that I gladly reciprocate.

"Congratulations! Almost the big day!" He says with a big belly laugh. "How are you feeling?"

"Excited sir." I say with a smile

"Good good. Enjoy it." He says patting my back and walking into the kitchen.

"I can show you all where your rooms are" I say Hunter karsten melanie and one of Scarlett's brothers Adrian follows me and Rose upstairs. Rose shows her her room on the first stop. They all compliment her and Hunter stays with her to listen to her stories about her stuffys.
"Don't give Adrian my room" he threatens me and I laugh.
"I won't" I say with my hands up laughing.

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