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Y/ns POV
gosh I wish I had video of last night when the girls got home. Kate managed to stay the most sober out of all of them but that meant she was basically alone at helping people to their houses. Hunter and Chris were bombed, Lizzie Sonia and Scar were soooo drunk and Flo didn't seem drunk but she couldn't make one coherent sentence so I knew she was shitfaced as well.

When Kate got Scar Chris Hunter Lizzie and Flo inside the house I felt super bad. I had to help Kate shut them up because they were singing Sweet Caroline on the top of their lungs and I didn't want Rose to hear them. After she left to go to her hotel I managed to feed them and shove water down their throats. Scar cuddled up to me and passed out the second her head hit my lap and I carried her to our bed. The others found rooms but Flo insisted on sleeping on the couch. Calling it a big fluffy cloud.

You must be wondering, 'well y/n you were up all night you must be exhausted what are you doing up now?'  Ah yess, just because I didn't sleep doesn't mean the little flower will sleep in. Also, I saw amazing news last night. SCARLETT GOT NOMINATED FOR AN OSCAR! She got nominated for best actress in La La Land (pretend) I'm so damn proud of her and I want to decorate the house before she wakes up so I can tell her the news. So rose and I ran to Party City to grab balloons and those confetti poppers. They even had an Oscar themed aisle. So I got cups and plates with the trophy on it, straws with the little trophy as the holder and even little mini Oscar's.

We check out and head home but stop at Starbucks. I can't be bothered to make multiple cups of coffee from our Nespresso so I grab a carton of coffee and a bunch of baked goods and sandwiches.

"Here you go flower" I say handing her a cake pop.

"You're the best mama" she squeals. Never gets old.

We arrive at the house and sneak in without waking Flo on the couch. Rose starts setting up the decorations and sets the table with the trophy plates and cups. I set up the pastries and such on the table and put all the balloons around the kitchen and table. I got the biggest Oscar trophy balloon and tied it around the head of table so Scar can sit there.

"What's all the ruckus" I hear Flo groan from the couch.

"Sorry auntie Flo" rose says and runs to give her cuddles.

"Oh I can't be upset when this munchkin gives me cuddles" she says. I walk over and place a water and some aspirin on the table. She takes the straight away and says thanks.

"Have some breakfast on the table but I wanted to wait for Scarlett." I say and Flo sits up looking at the set up.

"Woah is that an Oscar!" She says looking at the balloons.

"Yep Scar got nominated last night. I wanted to surprise her to tell her the news!" I say excited and proud.

"Oh gosh that's right!" She says jumping up. She grabs rose and we both go upstairs to wake Scarlett up. I walk into the room to see her not in bed and hear something coming from the bathroom.

"Uh Rose why don't you and Aunt Flo go find aunt Lizzie and the boys and wake them up?" I say and Flo pushes her out of the room knowing what's going on.

I walk over to the bathroom and knock before entering. "Don't come in" she yells.

"It's me baby" I say and open the door.

She looks up at me with tears in her eyes. They are blood shot and I can tell she's been crying.

"You okay sweets?" I say and she shakes her head no.

"I don't feel too good" she says "I hate throwing up"

"I know baby. But get it out now you'll feel much better" I say and as if on que she bends over the toilet releasing some puke. I grab her hair back so it doesn't fall in her face. After she empty's everything she collapses back into my arms. We sit like that for a minute until she stands up.

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