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Y/ns POV
"She's going to kill you y/n"

"No she's not. Its an investment" I say

"No it's a plot of land with nothing on it but a barn. Do you know how long it'll take to just mow the lawn!" Lizzie yells across her island to where I'm sitting atop of it.

"Liz, chill. Exactly. It's just a plot of land." I explain and see her roll her eyes. I might need to explain though. I met up with Lizzie's realtor and she showed me a ton of houses that were near the city and it just felt too modern or big and fancy. She then showed me this empty land and that's when it hit me. I literally saw the beautiful home on the land with toys and bikes scattered around. Our future kids running around playing tag while Scar and I are cuddled on the porch swing. The pool and bbq set up, the future parties, the future of Scarlett and I. When she said it hadnt been on the market for a while I asked for info seeing the land was well maintained, and it's fit enough to build on top of. Then I saw the price of $30,000 and knew I couldn't pass it. Even if I never step foot here again I couldn't let this piece of land go.

"You better get on that phone and call her." Lizzie breaks me from my thoughts.

"I'm leaving tomorrow morning. I have an idea to propose this whole idea." I say mischievously.

Lizzie rolls her eyes before saying, "don't tell me. I don't want to be involved" and goes out into her garden knowing I won't follow. That's her sacred space.

I quickly call the realtor and ask her for the land blueprints and she says she will fax them to Lizzie's house. It'll have to wait until later because I have to accompany Vinny to a grand opening of his clinic he sponsored with Cedars-Sinai.

*time skip to tomorrow*(sorry)

I stretch my body as we walk off the smaller private plane. When I reach the tarmac the breeze really blows my hair around and I sigh frustrated already. Then I smell the dirty river of NYC and roll my eyes even more annoyed. See, no smells in California.

I glance at my phone seeing texts from 3 people. Lizzie, Robert and Kate. Immediately I start to panic and click Kates message.

Kate: hey Scarlett forgot her phone at home. Could you call the office when you land?"

Oh jeez okay. I'm overreacting for no reason once again. I decide to call the office before we get into the car that's waiting for us.

"The Outset HQ how can I help you?"

"Hey can you patch me through to Scar, Annie?"

"Oh hey y/n. Sure one second." She says and the hold music comes on. I told scar to spring out and get the good music, but she told me her clients wouldn't have to wait long on hold so it's just classical elevator music.

"Hello" I hear my beautiful fiancée say.

"Hi my love"

"Hi baby. Your home!? Finally" she says excitedly

"I am. Just going to drop off paperwork at the office then head home." I explain

"Okay honey. There's food in the fridge for you from last night. Don't cook tonight please, I'd like to take you out." She says and I giggle.

"Are you trying to get in my pants?" I tease

"Honey I can do that whenever I want. I just want to have a good meal with you after not seeing you" she says and I can hear the pout in her voice.

"Of course my love. I'd love if you took me out."

"Good. Be ready at 6. I'll send a car and meet you, gonna be a long day here." She says. She just launched in the UK and they are having crazy success with it.

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