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Y/ns POV
Waking up alone is a different for me. I've become so used to waking up with Scarlett or before Scarlett it seems like a twilight zone. The house is eerily quiet, since Scarlett took Rose with her to the Outset office for some product testing. After my workout I try to make breakfast but get interrupted for the third time by Lizzie calling me. I guess I should stop ignoring her and answer the call.

"Yes Liz" I answer annoyed.

"Ahhhh fuck y/n something's wrong ahhhhh" Lizzie cries and my heart drops immediately hearing her yell.

"What's wrong?" I yell quickly

"My stomach hurts. Ahhhh Come outside"she yells and I run out my front door unaware I'm still in my shorts and sports bra. I see Lizzie's car coming up the driveway and hang up the phone and run to her car. She gets out of the car hunched over and holding her stomach and moaning. But a low painful moan. Almost like a growl.

"Lizzie oh my god what are you doing here?"

"You won't answer the fucking phone! I can't get in touch with Robbie, I have no idea where he even is. And I'm in pain! Y/n it's too early. She can't come out yet" Lizzie cries and begs me holding her stomach.

"Lizzie let's just get to a hospital. They will check everything out" I say and guide her to my car. I somehow grabbed my key so at least I have that. I get her into my car and she turns on her side and starts crying while clutching her stomach. God I feel awful. I jump into the drivers seat and text Scarlett what's going on as I drive to the closest hospital.

"Ughhhhh" Lizzie moans and curls up into a ball.

"Did your water break? Are you having contractions?" I ask

"Why the hell do you think I'm moaning in pain? Because She's kicking me? No! Yes I have contractions and no my water didn't break" Lizzie says through gritted teeth. I know she's in pain so I'll accept the attitude.

"Okay let me call Robbie and tell him to meet us at cedar Sinai." I say out loud and grab Lizzie's phone to call him but it goes straight to voicemail.

"Did he come home last night Liz?" I ask remembering Scarlett said she was waiting for him to get home for dinner.

"Nooahhhhhh oh my god" she grunts and squeezes her eyes closed. Scarlett's name pops up on my car screen and I hit accept so it goes over the speaker.

"Hey babe"

"Hiii honey, how's Lizzie doing"

"Go fucking faster y/n!" Lizzie yells and I laugh when I hear Scarlett laughing on the phone.

"She's okay. We can't get in touch with Robbie. Can I send you Marlanas number when we get to the hospital and you can see if she's seen him." I ask

"Of course babe. Rose and I will come after my meeting. Keep me updated" she says and I tell her of course before we say our love you's and goodbyes. I drive as quickly as I can towards the hospital as Lizzie is whimpering in pain. Thankfully I pull into the emergency lane of the hospital and a nurse comes out to yell at me as I get out of the truck.

As I open my trunk to grab a shirt, I yell to the nurse "My friend is 36 weeks pregnant and in extreme pain, please help her" I yell and the nurse runs in to the hospital and runs back out with a wheel chair and another nurse. As soon as I open the passenger door Lizzie is covered in a layer of sweat and has tear marks down her face.

"Hey Liz, we're going to get you in that chair and the doctor will look at you inside okay?" I say to the very tired woman in my front seat.

"No y/n I will not have this baby today. It's too early! And Robbie's not here! We had a plan!" She cries and it breaks my heart.

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