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Y/ns POV
As I close the front door I'm pushed up against it and Scarlett's hands are at my waist. She's fumbling around with the waistline of my sweatpants while her lips delicately kiss up and down my pulse points.

"Mmm baby" I moan out when she sucks harsh on the spot where my neck meets my shoulder.

"I have been dying to have you to myself ever since I saw you waiting for me at the alter." She rasps out. Her tongue swirls on my neck leaving a trail of saliva on my neck that feels cold when she moves away. She unzips my sweater and reveals my bra covered chest. The jacket just hangs open as she rakes her eyes up and down my body. Her finger traces along a tattoo on my hip then up along my abs, then up between by two breasts to my neck until settling on my chin. She lifts my chin to the side with her finger and starts kissing the other side of my neck. My knees feel a little weak and when she pushes her body flush against mine, pushing my further into the door I moan at the slight contact I get from her knee between my legs.

"I need you y/n. Right here. Right now" she says when pulling back to look into my eyes before dropping slowly down to her knees. She reaches up and drags my sweat pants down my legs by the waist and leaving me in my underwear. She wastes no time in pushing them down also so they pool at my feet, then loos up at me from her knees and smiles. "Is this okay?" She asks and my jaw drops open at her low tone.

"More than okay" I say and she nods before staring straight ahead at my heat. She leans in closer and I suck in a breath when I feel her breath right next to it. Then I feel her tongue dip into my folds and take a quick lick up before diving back in hard. "Oh fuck" I say and my hands go flying outward to grab onto anything to steady my wobbly legs. She teases my entrance right away with her fingers and I feel my arousal spill out when she slips her fingers in and then right back out again.

"Mmmm" she says as she slips her finger into her mouth. My mouth waters just watching her but when I drop my head back as she leans in taking a lick my head slams against the door making her jolt up grabbing my head.

"Baby, you okay?" She asks rubbing the back of my head with one had. While the other rests at my hip.

"Just a little bump" I smile but she doesn't move her hand from behind my head. She does move her hand that's on my hip and it slowly glides across my stomach and down to my core cupping it. She looks into my eyes with pure adoration and when her finger circles my clit I drop my head back again but her hand is still there to brace me. She chuckles feeling my head slam against her hand and then attacks my neck with her kisses.

"Fuck Scarlett" I moan out at the overwhelming sensation coming between my legs. She moves her fingers from my clit gliding through my folds and slipping two digits right inside of me. My knees wobble again at the amazing feeling and she starts pumping relentlessly while creating an art piece on my chest from hickies. But gosh does it feel amazing.

"Baby, I'm close" I huff out and feel her pick up her pace. I can tell she wants to move her hand from behind my head but she's afraid I'll hurt myself and my heart swells at the feeling of her protecting me and it makes me crave her more. Her fingers start curling on their way out and I open my mouth in a silent moan. Fuck whatever she's doing, she better not stop. My body starts to convulse a little because the pleasure is so euphoric I can't control any spasms.

"Cum for me baby, cum on my fingers" she whispers into my ear then bites my earlobe and a firework burst in my head then millions burst in my core sending me right over the edge. My head pushes back into her hand which makes her grin my hair with her fingers while she slowly pumps her fingers in my letting me ride out my high.

"Fucking hell" I breath out trying to catch my breath as she removes her fingers from inside me.
Now that I'm coming back to earth, My head actually kinda hurts but I'm not going to tell her that.

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