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Y/ns POV
"Rosie, what if after school today we can swim a little then go to the park after mama gets home from work?" Scsr tries to bargain with the little blonde but she's not budgeing. Her first day was last week and it was fine. Great even. But this week she started not wanting to get up in the morning, now when she is up she refuses to get dressed or eat food thinking we won't send her. I'm not sure what's going on.

"No mommy please don't make me go" she begs Scarlett who gets frustrated so I try to step in.

"Hey little flower, can you maybe help me understand why you don't want to go to school?" I say calmly crouching down to her level.

"I don't have any friends. Julie got a different teacher this year and I don't even get to see her at the playground" she says sadly. Aw, I have to remind myself that even if they don't seem like big problems to me, these are catastrophic problems to her.

"Aww don't worry you'll make new friends in your classes. There's gotta be someone else who likes soccer like you? Or maybe someone who likes space too?" I ask

"There is a girl Sarah. But I felt bad being friend with her when I already have Julie." She explains. Ugh she's so kind.

"It's okay to have multiple friends. Maybe you all can be friends together." I suggest. And she thinks about it before peeking up.

"That's true. I'll try and talk to her today." She says and runs off to get dressed. I look up at Scarlett who has her mouth open just staring at me.

"How do you do it!" She huffs

"I'm just that good baby" I say and grab my briefcase. I kiss her goodbye and yell bye to Rose and head to work.

A few hours later I just exited the meeting with Vinny and I glance at my phone.
7 missed calls: Scar❤️
Oh shit.

I dial her back but she doesn't pick up. Lizzie's still here let me call her. I call her and she doesn't pick up either. I go into my office and try Scar again from the office phone and that's when I see Kate calling me.

"Hey Kate"

"Y/n tell me your there" she says panicking

"Where? What's wrong?" I ask

"There's talk of an active shooter near Roses school. Scar left an hour ago but she's not picking up."

"Shit she won't answer my phone calls either. I just got out of a meeting." I say and feel my heart drop to my stomach. A shooter!?
"I'm going to head toward the school if you talk to her tell her to call me please" I say to Kate who says ok before we hang up.

I'm thankful I took my bike today because I am weaving in and out of traffic trying to get to Roses school. I see the police tape and everyone blocked off half a block away. There's so many crying parents around I can't find Scarlett. I push my way to the front of the crowd to see if I can see anyone I recognize. Then I see Jeff. He's a police officer Anna uses a lot for hostage cases.
"Jeff!" I call and we lock eyes. He nods be over and I crawl under the tape and over to his table.
"Y/n great to see you. What are you doing here?"
"My uh daughter goes to school here. What's going on?" I ask.
"Reports of active shooter inside, 3 shots went off so far in east side of the school, 3rd floor. That's all I know" he says and I nod.
"Any teams inside?" I ask.

"Not yet, sending some in now tho" as he points to a group of swat getting geared up to go inside. I watch as they put their bullet proof vests on and helmets. Then I hear my name.
"Y/n!! Y/n!!!" I hear and turn around looking for who's calling me. I see Scarlett and Romain standing by the yellow tape waving at me. I run over to her and pull her into a hug.
"I'm so sorry I didn't pick up. I'm so sorry" I say to her but she just shush's me and reassures me she knows I was working.

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