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Y/ns POV
I'm woken up from my sleep by Lizzie's creepy ass hovering over me and I almost break her neck thinking I'm being attacked.

"What the fuck are you doing" I whisper shout

"Get up and come with me now" she demands

I get up quietly and follow her to the hallway. It's still dark in the house so I can only see half her face from the moonlight shining through the windows.

"What did you drag me out here for ?" I ask grumpily

"Here" she says and shoves her phone in my face.


That's the only thing I read before I see the pictures. All the paparazzi pictures from the last couple days. At the airport, at the beach. But then there are some on our date in cape may, and even one of me and her going into her mothers house!

"What the hell do they mean cheating? He is literally charged with breaking and entering and attempted murder and their making her out to be the bad guy!?" I whisper shout to Lizzie and she can see the panic arise in my eyes.

"Don't worry she has a very good PR team that is probably already working on it. But isn't there anything legally we can do?" She asks

"I already submitted something to try to not get this leaked but that didn't work obviously. There's nothing else we can do because it's public record." I say

"Atleast everyone should know the truth" Lizzie says and I agree

"I'll have to tell Scar but I really hope this doesn't ruin the holiday" I say disappointed

"Hey no we will be right here to pick up the pieces. We will make it a good holiday for you guys." Liz says rubbing my back reassuringly

I walk back into the bedroom and see my love still asleep on the bed. I decide to scroll through the internet a little so I know everything that's out there before I tell her. After two hours of going down a rabbit hole I don't even realize Scsr is awake until she literally puts her hand on top of my phone and pushes it down.

"You've been staring at your phone like your searching for something. What's wrong?"She grumbles out in her sleepy voice

"How long we're you watching me" I smiled

"Idunno. You looked hot but when your eyebrow furrowed I knew something was wrong" she says touching the spot between my two eyebrows.

"It got out about Colin" is all I say

"How bad? Why hasn't my team called?" She ask

"I'm not sure maybe they are trying to get a handle on it first" I say and she nods and leans in closer to me

"What are they saying?" She ask and I really don't like being the barer or bad news

"I've looked over every article. Basically trying to say Colin reacted that way because he caught you cheating on him with me"

"What! Even when this guy almost kills us he's still the better person!?"

"You should release a statement" I say

"I know I will have to. Let me go call my team" she says and runs out of the room with her phone. I decide to get up and go downstairs for some coffee. I'm greeted in the kitchen by Robbie and Lizzie and she slides a coffee cup towards me and I pour some coffee in and drink it.

"I'm guessing you told her" Lizzie says and nods towards the backyard

"Yeah I had to" I say and look at her pacing around the yard in her phone waving her arms throughout the air

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