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Y/n pov
I pull into Roberts driveway and laugh, seeing Rose chase him around with a hose. Rob is running in circles while Rose has her head  thrown back in laughter as she chases after him. Scarlett pulls in right behind me and I open her door for her, and her hands immediately tangle with mine once she's on the ground.

"Mama!!mommy!!!" Rose shouts turning towards us

"Woah little lady! Point the hose at Grandpa Robert. I do not want to get wet!" Scarlett freezes and hopes rose listens. Surprisingly she does and just drops the hose and runs over to us. She runs right into Scarlett's arms and I wraps my arms around them both.

"How was the doctor? Are you okay?" Rose asks

"I'm okay. Actually, do you want to know why I went to the doctor and mama came with me?" Scarlett says and Roses eyebrows raise before she says "yes!" Excitedly.

"Let's go inside, im kind of hungry" Scarlett says looking at me.

Robert catches up to us, out of breath, and hears what Scarlett says. "Susan's making a late lunch now. We were supposed to just water the flowers for her but that didn't happen did it miss trouble" he says looking at a smiling Rose.

We all walk inside and greet Susan who has an assortment of different wraps and a salad. I remember I left my little gifts in the car which is the whole reason we are here. When Scarlett told me she was pregnant I started thinking of how we'd tell everyone. I didn't know I'd tell Lizzie spontaneously while she gave birth but that happened. But for Robert and Susan I knew I wanted to get them just a little something to show how much they mean to me and Rose and Scarlett and will mean to our new little one. After running out to the car giving Scarlett a look, I come back inside seeing everyone at the table waiting for me.

"Sorry sorry" I pant being out of breath.

"Kid sit down before you have a heart attack." Robert says but catches what he says and his eyes widen. "I'm sorry I didn't—"

"Relax I'm fine. You can joke like that, what am I? Made of glass?" I say and the atmosphere kinda changes and I close my eyes regretting how that came out. I didn't mean for it to sound snarky and I truly want to joke about things like that without anyone feeling bad. I sigh but before I can talk rose does.

"No mama, you're made of bones and skin." Rose states and for some reason everyone just bursts out laughing.

"You're right flower, thanks for letting them know" I say and wink at the cutest little girl ever. "So Scarlett and I have been keeping a little secret from you guys." I say and see Robert head snap up from his plate in interest. Scarlett hands the three of them the little bags I brought in and they all just stare at the bags.

"Are you guys just going to stare at it or open it? Rose?" Scarlett asks looking at them.

"Is it one of those bags that explode confetti on you when you open it cause I don't like those" Robert says

"You've never gotten something like that" Susan says

"Yeah because I don't like them" Robert bickers back

"Okay child, let's open it at the same time?" I interrupt and he smiles at me

"Sure kid. Whatever you want." He says

"Okay ready Rosie? One...two...three" I say and rose rips into her back while Susan and Robert watch her. I roll my eyes seeing them just watching her but I guess they want to see her reaction too. She pulls out a white tshirt that Scarlett folded really well so you can't see any letters. She unfolds it and holds it up so she can see the front.

"Big....sis—oh my goodness!!! Is this really true!?" Rose reads the shirt and jumps for joy once she realizes what she's reading. Susan and Roberts face turn pale and their eyes widen.

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