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"Objection your honor badgering the witness" I say calmly but assertive.


"That's why you wanted to get Mr. Robbins caught so you could get a hefty paycheck. Correct?"

"Objection! Your honor come on." I say gesturing my hands to the prosecutor. The prosecutor just turns to be with a stupid smirk. I'd like to wipe that smirk off his face.

"Will both counsels approach." The judge says.

We both walk up there and all you can hear is the clack of my heels and his stupid suit pants swishing away.

"Does the prosecution have any other leads rather than bribery?" The judge asks.

"Y-yes we do. But Uh well that's the main point of this suit." He rambles off.

"Your honor she is 16 years old. Please let's get her off of the stand and roll in closing arguments. They have nothing else and I can't stand to watch him pester a young girl." I say rolling my eyes and huffing out a little breath towards him.

"She's right Dan. This is enough." The judge says. "You may go back."

"Sam. Lopez you may step down now. This concludes the testimonies. You may say your closing sentence. Mr. Franklin you may start.

He stands up and walks around the little table with the plaintiff and his assistant and stands infromt of the jury.
"I hope you can see how much suffering this man has been through enough. He lost his family and job and soon to lose his house and car. He made a mistake but he's clearly losing now. Winning this would clear his name of wrong doings and maybe give him the chance at getting his life back." He says and stands there for a second before walking off and sitting down.

I approach them next and give them all a small smile.
"First I want to say thank you for being here and sitting through all these long days. Now my client Sarah is only 16 years old. She's already been through a police investigation, and has been the talk of her school for months. I know I would want this to be over with by now but no, she can't. Because Mr. Scooter decided he was going to sue the 16 year old girl he tried to lure into his house and potentially rape. Oh did he make a mistake when he sent multiple nude pictures to her. And sure maybe she flirted back and exchanged a picture but she was under the influence that he was the same age. That's not fair to Ms Lopez who was just engaging in harmful teenager love stories. We've talked about the pictures" I say turning around and winking to her. Her face immediately turns red. "So rest assured she will never send even a selfie again. But she doesn't deserved to be suid for something HE did." I say pointing at him. "Again thank you for your time. I hope this is an easy decision for you all." I end with and walk back to my table. I give Sarah a little shoulder squeeze and sit back down.

The judge excuses us so the jury can deliberate and we walk to the small office next door to wait. I expect it to be quick, this case was set and stone.
"Hey I'm going to grab a soda do you want anything!" I ask to Sarah and Billie. Billie is franctically cleaning up a bunch of papers that fell onto the table from her breoefcase and she just looks up quickly with a nod no and keeps shoving papers into the bag.
"Sure same as you please" Sarah says and I walk out of the room down the hall to find a vending machine. When I turn right I almost bump into someone but I stop myself and say "oops sorry" anyway.

"Oh no I'm sorry I need to watch wher- y/n?" The female voice says.

"Nikki!?" I say excited to see the woman standing in front of me.

"Holy balls it is you!! I haven't seen you since graduation! How are you!!" Nikki bellows in my ear as she wraps me in a hug bouncing slightly.

"I'm great! I'm working for Luther's on 5th street. With Anna Cotour. How are you!? What are you up to?" I ask wondering

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