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Scarlett's POV
Today is the day we are getting scans done of the little devil inside of me. I only say devil at this moment in time because they are causing so much heartburn I think I could breathe out fire. Y/n and my mom has offered every trick we could find and nothing is helping. It only eases a little when my back is rubbed so I'm luckily getting lots of that from y/n.

Currently, we are leaving Lizzie's house to go to the appointment. Well, trying to because y/n won't put Penelope down. Lizzie is going to watch rose for us while we go to the appointment, since my mom is visiting some friends. Plus, Lizzies sisters are over too so I know there are plenty of eye to watch for both Rose and Penelope.

"Y/n you need to go." Lizzie whines holding her hands out waiting for her baby to be returned.

"I know I know but I don't want to miss anything. She's making so many noises." Y/n pouts and I can't help but smile at my wife. She's so adorable and loves penny so much.

"You're coming back here with our dinner! You'll see her later. Now go see your kid!" Lizzie scrambles to get Penelope out of her hold and when she goes she pushes y/n with her free hand towards me. I wrap her in a hug and walk us outside so she can't go back to the baby.

"No pouting allowed. We will be back and you can snuggle her some more okay?" I say to y/n who is opening the car door for me. "Did you remember to change your port?" I ask

"I did. I changed it before we left for Lizzie's" y/n answers and there's not an ounce of attitude. She knows I only ask because I care and we both have been forgetting things a lot. She's stressed about her court case and I just have baby brain.

The ride to the doctors office is quick and I'm surprised when we pull in because I've never been to this place and it seems huge. There's at least 6 floors and the parking lot is huge. Lots of cars means lots of people and I've been doing so well for the past 20 weeks to not be spotted.

Y/n senses my discomfort and she squeezes my hand that's in her lap. "I have stuff in my trunk just wait here" she says and grts out of the car and goes to her trunk. She comes over to my door and is holding a hat, a hoodie and sunglasses. She slips the hoodie over me and I'm grateful it's an extra big one. She slips the hat on my head and pulls the hood up over it and slides the sunglasses on.

"Perfect, you look more like someone who would rob the place but at least you won't be recognized"y/n says which makes me laugh.

We head inside and once y/n checks me in they take me to the back right away. The room is bigger than a normal patient room. It also has a huge screen hanging on the wall right in front of the chair that I sit on. There's an ultrasound machine along with all the necessary tools and gels they may need. I sit comfortably on the chair and a couple minutes later a woman in pink scrubs walk. That's not Dr.Deluca.

"Hello! I am Dr. Robbin's. Dr. Deluca had an emergency and asked that I come to do your scans." The blonde woman says and I look over at you/n who looks back at me. "I know, you probably wanted Carina, but I can assure you I'm just as good as her and these scans will be sent to her as well" she assures us and I mean we don't really have a choice do we.

"If you want to lay back we can get these coverings on you and then I can start!" Dr Robbin's says cheerfully and I see y/n roll her eyes at her pep. Y/n hates those overly cheerful people who bleed rainbows and unicorns and I can tell dr. Robbin's is going to be that person.

I lay back on the seat and y/n grabs the paper smocks and puts one on my lap and one on my boobs and tucks them into my waistband and bra.

"Why do you know what to do?" I smirk at her

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