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Did she just post that to her 35M followers? I can't believe it. I mean I knew she wanted to come out to the world for a while. We talk about it a lot at night. I didn't think she would ever do it to be honest. I came to terms that I would be a secret for our whole relationship. Yaknow until she found something wrong with me and left me. But I guess this means she's in it for the long haul?

"Y/n. You okay?" Lizzie asks me as I'm frozen in the living room holding her phone.

"Y-yeah"I say looking up from her and my face breaking out in a huge smile.

"This is a big step for you guys." She says and I nod still staring at the post with the growing likes and comments.

"Shit I should call her" I say running to the kitchen to see my phone turned on. I quickly dial Scarlett and out the phone to my ear. On the 4th rings she finally answers

"Hey baby" she says cheerfully

"Hi my love. How was your interview?" I say keeping it casual

"Great. It'll be out tomorrow night so we can watch it together." She says and I moan an 'mhm' back

"How was the muesum today?" She asks " it looks like a lot of fun"

"It was awesome. I forgot how cool it was. Rosie seemed really intrigued with space too. We were there the longest." I explain to her and hear her laughter with the cute stories I told her about rose getting super excited over everything.

"So I see you posted something earlier." I say with a smirk

"I did. What do you think?" She asks I can hear the nervousness in her voice.

"As long as your comfortable with it, I'm okay with it too" I say

"At the interview today and the past, idk 4 months everyone's been commenting about how happy I look. How cheerful I am to be around and I realized I wasn't always this happy. It's because of you. And I want to show the world how happy you make me and how great you make me feel. I wanted to show you off. And I can't wait to actually show you off next week at the premiere." She says happily and I get excited now.

"I will forever try to make you the happiest on the planet." I state trying to keep my emotions in check. I can't help but feel so giddy right now.

I run upstairs to see Rose and Lizzie started the welcome home sign.

"Hey Rose, ur mommas on the phone!" I say and hand her the phone while she tells her about the Museum.

"Oh and mom before you come home can you stop at the other house to get all my toys. I'm moving in here with y/n." She says and me and Lizzie try to hide our laughs.

"Oh just you? Am I allowed to come?" Scar teases her daughter.

"Hmm I'll have to think about that." Rose teases her back while Scarlett gasps on the other side.

"Of course you can mommy." She says right after she finishes giggling.

Rose hands me back the phone to go continue to help Lizzie while I walk back downstairs to talk to Scarlett. We talk for another half hour just about anything. I'm really excited to see her tomorrow. Right when I hang up with her I get a call from Anna

"Hello Anna" I say into the phone

"hello dear, I just wanted to congratulate you and Scarlett for finally being open about you two." She says and I roll my eyes.

"No you don't. Why are you calling me?" I laugh out and hear her laugh too.

"Your right. I just wanted to tell you your court hearing got moved to tomorrow with Mr. Sanchez. The DA says he has new evidence and needs you there early so you can view it before court starts." She explains

My Everything (Scarlett Johansson)Where stories live. Discover now