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You're in the back seat of your moms station wagon. Your mom is in the passenger seat playing with the radio and your dad has his hand on the tan steering wheel. You stare out the window as you pick at the tan leather seat cushion your sitting on that has a crack down the middle. Your mom finally picks a song and turns the radio up a little "Here comes Santa Claus, Here comes Santa Claus right down" You hear the horns before you see headlights out of the window and then SCREEECH! BOOM! CRASH! The next thing you remember is opening your eyes but only one would open. Out of your right eye you see your father slouched over the steer wheel and the front windshield is completely smashed. You turn your head a little and see your mother is through the windshield. Her legs are dangling over the dashboard while her upper body is through the windshield laying on top of the hood of the car. The radio still playing faintly in the back ground you remember the once tan interior of the car being covered in red drippy liquid. Your next awoken when what looks like fire fighters are removing you from the car. Your being carried away as your screaming at them to get your parents. "Please don't forget them. Please help! Help!" You feel the firefighter squeeze you tighter not letting you go back and save your parents.
You jolt awake gasping for air. You can feel your heart beating in your head and feel like you're suffocating. You hear murmurs too. Then you realize Scarlett has your body in a koala hug and is whispering in your ears. You finally come to and hear her say "it's okay it's just a dream please wake up"
You manage to tap her arm twice and she finally releases her grip.
"Omg y/n finally you woke up. I'm sorry I tried to wake you gently at first but then you started shaking in your sleep and yelling so I just hugged you tightly hoping you would feel the pressure and wake up." She says scared that she hurt me.
"Scar thank you it's okay I'm okay now." I say not making eye contact and rolling out of bed. "I'm just going to use the bathroom I'll be right back." I say as I walk quickly into the bathroom. I shut the door quietly and run the water. I splash a little on my face and take a swig of mouth wash in my mouth. When I swirl it around for some reason it calms me down. Maybe its the concentration of it that helps clear my mind or it's the smell of the alcohol that I'm craving but I quickly spit it out and dry my mouth and face. I walk back into the room and glance at the clock. 4:47. I'm not going back to sleep but I see that Scarlett is still awake and she's looking right at me.
"Are you going to come back to bed or are you going to just stand there until morning." She says with her sexy raspy morning voice.

I walk to the bed and get in and lay on my back looking up at the ceiling. She scoots her body closer and when her leg touches my leg I feel a shock. Then her arm drapes across my stomach and the butterflies start to flutter and when her head touches my shoulder my whole body starts to tingle. She squeezes a little before she whispers "we don't have to talk about it we can wait until your ready but I'm always here whenever you want to talk." As she drifts back to sleep. After a few minutes her breath evens out and I slip out of her hold and replace myself with a pillow.

I quietly walk out the bedroom and down the stairs to the kitchen. When I'm walking downstairs I see the stove light on but a figure in the kitchen. I tip toe to the wall so I can crouch behind it and peak my head around and when I do the figure jumps and says

"girl I know you are not sneaking around your own damn house." And I release a breath I'm holding.

"Rhonda what are you doing here so early." I ask as I walk closer to her and flip on the main kitchen light.

"I always start my prep this early. Did you forget you have a dinner up on the rooftop tomorrow with the board from your charity." She says nonchalantly. Crap I did forget. Maybe I can push it back.

"And don't even think about pushing it back. The anniversary is coming up and you need to be there this time. They really want your in put y/n." She says smiling at me knowing exactly what I'm thinking.
"Ugh okay fine but only 2 appetizers one entrée and a dessert please. I don't want them here for 5 hours." I say remembering last time it turned into a full blown party with a DJ.
"Oh and I have a guest here now. Her and-" I start to say but am interrupted when Rhonda squeals.
"Girl I can leave. You should've texted me I wouldn't have come so early! What time should I be back?" She ask while grabbing her purse and heading toward the garage door.
"Rhonda, no, stop. She's a client, her and her daughter are staying here for a little. I'm settling her divorce today actually. But I should tell you that it's Scarlett Johansson." I explain.
"No way!" She gasps "I love her!" She says jumping up and down.
"Please be professional. Maybe after I introduce you and she gets to know you you can fan girl but not now please. She's had a hard few days. I want her as comfortable and happy as possible." I state smiling.
"Ok ok you got it boss. So why are you up so early? It's so little early for your workouts isn't it?" She asks concerned.
"Please don't call me boss your old enough to be my mother. And I just needed a glass of water before o work on something things in my office" I state walking to the fridge to accomplish what i was suppose to do in the first place.
"Ok dear just holla if you need me. Breakfast will be ready at 7." She sings the last part while turning back to continue her prep.

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