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After about 30 minutes of staring into space I feel Scarlett turn in her sleep and feel the cool breeze on my previously laid on arm. I quietly roll out of bed and make it to my office before closing the door with my grip tight on my cell phone. Anna never texts me after 8pm unless its something important. And for wanting me to be alone, its definitely something sensitive. Before I can let me mind wonder I pick up my phone unlocking it and dialing Anna. After 2 rings she picks up.

"y/n, I didn't expect to hear from you till the morning" she says yawning

"well it sounded important and I was awake." I say

"I don't want to know why you were awake at 3 am but listen, they got him. They found Cory. He was in Newark by Death Row doing drugs." She explains

"Ofcourse he was, once a druggie always a druggie." I say annoyed.

"They were able to flip him and get him talking but I don't think youre going to like what im going to say." She says

I stay silent for a moment in anticipation and she finally takes a deep breath and say,

"He says that Colin helped him escape. He said that Colin gave him $10,000 to kill you. Which he was going to do until he got caught up in the drug scene again." She explains and I feel like the wind got knocked from out of me.

"Okay, so what now?" I ask wondering where this is going.

"Well, NYPD raided Colin's office and they found pictures. Like thousand of pictures of you and Scarlett. Her going to work, walking in nyc, you at the office leaving and going, and theres some infront of your house." She says. "I don't really know what hes planning or why hes taking pictures but you already have an order of protection out for scarlett on him so that violating it ight there. now, I want to press charges and get this bastard locked up but that is not my decision its yours and Scarletts." She explains

I think for a minute. I kind of just want this to go away. I was just starting to feel happy and confident in a relationship (if that's even what this is) and now this is going to add so much stress.

"I need to talk to Scarlett, can I get back to you in the morning?" I ask.

"Ofcourse and sweetie whats going on between the two of you? I thought her divorce was final why is she still staying with you?" She asks

"It is but uh I don't know theres something about her Anna, I feel things I haven't felt since I was in highschool and I really don't want this to hurt my chances at seeing where this will end up./" I say a little defeated.

"im happy for you hun, don't worry if she likes you like I think she does this shouldn't deter her away from you."

"I know, thanks anna. Ill call you in the morning ok?" I say wanting to go back to bed.

"okay dear, talk to you soon." She says before I hear a beep signaling the call ended.

I walk out of my office back into the bedroom and immediately crawl back into bed snuggling up to the most beautiful girl in the world. The warmth of her body and her scent lulls me right to sleep.

I wake up the sound of something breaking downstairs. I jolt awake and look around at the empty bed. It must be Scarlett. I walk out of the bedroom and down the stairs to see a wonderful sight. Scarlett has her back to me what looks like making coffee with my clothes on her. My foo fighter band tee being huge on her you cant even see the sleep shorts she has on. I slowly make my way to her trying to surprise her but she catches me and yells "WAIT DON'T MOVE" and I freeze.

My Everything (Scarlett Johansson)Where stories live. Discover now