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Scarlett's POV
It's currently 6:30pm and I'm running extremely late today. I had to stay late in the studio which meant y/n had to pick up Rose from school which would normally be fine. But next week is the BAR and she's been studying like crazy and even took a prep test that was 9 hours long and I knew she had a study session scheduled today with Danny, a coworker, but she assured me she could take Rose back to the office and study with her there. So that's where I'm heading, of course stopping for some food though.

The past couple months have been amazing in terms of y/ns mental health. I really feel like she's doing a lot better with her anxiety and the nightmares have stopped also. I wake up in the middle of the night to her cuddling me instead of her panicked and sweaty. I also think the job is helping her a lot. She's finally seeing her hard work pay off and once she passes the BAR she will be able to do so much more and on her own!

I pull into the parking garage waving at security whos seen me many times now and quickly head inside to the elevator. When the elevator dings open on the 33rd floor I can hear music blasting from the front entrance. I walk around a couple desks and make a turn down a hallway before I stop outside y/ns office clearly booming with music. I walk in to see y/n, Danny and Rose jumping around, doing the worst dance moves possible but laughing like crazy to the beat of Let's Dance by David Bowie.

I stand at the door with the bag of food in my hand and just lean, watching the chaos go on. Y/n spots me and dances her way over to me grabbing the food from my hands and dragging me over to where the dance party is happening. I can't stop the laughs that leave my mouth being so carefree dancing around her office with my two girls. Even if Danny's here it still feel like a core memory I need to save.

Y/n turns the music down a little and laughs before catching her breath.

"Studying hard huh?" I laugh

"We needed a little dance party break." She says and I nod agreeing. What better way to let off steam then jump around.

"I brought that Indian place you like" and her eyes light up like fireworks.

"Oh my god thank you." She says kissing me hard on the lips. She takes all the food out of the bags and she pulls out paper plates from a drawer and we all make a plate to eat. Of course she makes Rose a plate before herself, my unselfish queen.

"Can I quiz you?" I ask picking up the stack of index cards.

"Sure" she says overly confident.

"A man who was reportedly a renowned art thief was on trial for stealing several Picassos from a museum. The paintings had been recovered and were in the courtroom. The prosecution presented a professor of art history to authenticate each piece.
The defense obiected on the basis that the museum curator where the paintings were housed had to identify if these were in fact the paintings that were stolen." I glance up at y/n to see her listening intently and you can tell she's taking in every word I say. I take a deep breath and continue reading.
"Assuming that others will testify to the fact of the burglary, is the court likely to reject this witness as being qualified to authenticate the paintings in question, and why or why not?" I finish reading and look up at her from behind the index card. She has a thinking look on her face but then she smiles at me and opens her mouth.

"No, because the authentication can be accomplished in several different ways that will verify that it is the genuine piece of art in question." She says and I read the bottom of the card where the answer is and she is correct.

"Correct!!" I say and give her a high five.

"Here mama!!" Rose says and hands her a Hershey kiss. Then Rose opens one herself and they cheers before eating.

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