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Lizzie's POV
"Ugh Robbie turn your phone off" I groan tapping Robbie's arm.

"It's not mine babe" he groans back.

Ugh god what time is it?" I glance at the clock seeing it's 4:30. I pick up my phone seeing Scarlett calling me. She wouldn't call me this early unless something's wrong. But of course my racing thoughts and confused woken state make me miss the call. But a second later a text from her comes in but it's a link. I lean back on my headboard and open the link, squinting at the brightness on my phone.

"Oh fuck" I gasp and Robbie jumps up from the beds and yells.
"What! Is it the baby?"

"No it's y/n." I say and show him the phone. He grabs it and covers his mouth in shock. A paparazzi got a picture of her and it seems like she saw him too. She's staring into the camera with a smile on her face and a big thumbs up with one hand. But tears are pouring down her face and her make up is smudged leaving black marks following her tear tracks down her face. And there's a bottle of tequila in her other hand. She's showing it off, like she's proud.
"I told you I was being to hard on her! And you just had to hang up on her right?" I yell. Between my normal everyday anxiety and the hormones I get worked up really fast lately.

"I just wanted you to relax! You looked to calm and comfortable on the couch listening to graham and me play our songs I just didn't want her to pull you from that." He confesses. I think he's still upset about me leaving dinner to help y/n with a panic attack that happened weeks ago.

"You're right. But look at her now" I say

"Did you read the article?" Robbie asks handing my phone back. Shit. I scan through it and see where they comment what was said.

Reporter: hey! Any reason your looking so sad tonight?

Y/n: sad? I'm ecstatic.

Reporter:you don't look too great. What would you say to the person who made you this way?

Y/n: I did this to myself, I'm a lost cause

"Oh god Robbie. I need to go check on her"I sit up more and he rubs my back. I feel huge, and I'm literally 6 weeks away from giving birth. She is lucky I love her with all my heart because I wouldn't do this for anyone.

"Babe do you really think you should go? You barely slept last night and she's just gonna push you away." Robbie says to me.

"Robbie she's like my sister. I need to make sure she's okay." I say feeling panicked.

"You have her location. Right? Check it. If she's home at least try to get some sleep and we will both go over at 8." He says

He's right. I'm exhausted and could use a few more hours of sleep. I grab my phone and check her location. "Yeah she's home" I say

"Okay so get back to sleep. I will stay up and watch her location okay? I promise" he says standing and taking my phone. "I'm going to make some coffee. Please try to sleep and I'll wake you up later" he says and kisses my head. He's the sweetest and I couldn't have picked a better partner.

Y/ns POV

From tossing and turning for an hour, not being able to fall asleep, I finally get out of bed and wipe my tears. After my phone finally turned on, I texted Danny I wouldn't be in the office today considering the article that came out and I haven't gotten in contact with Scarlett, I think I just want to stay in the house today. He told me he would prep Dove some more then yelled at me for texting him at 5am. I walk into my kitchen and freeze, almost forgetting about the smashed glass everywhere. I go into the closet to grab a broom but get interrupted by pounding on my front door. It's probably Lizzie, although it sounds a lot stronger than her. Maybe Robert saw the photo and he's here to yell at me. The pounding doesn't stop so I whip the door open and I'm surprised to see Robbie.

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