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I finally walk into my house at 8:30. I managed to finish all my work so I'm not needed until Tuesday making sure I would be able to go to set with Scar on Monday. I throw my purse and briefcase down next to the door and slip my shoes off. I walk straight into the kitchen grab two wine glasses and fill mine to the top. I leave the second one on the counter for Scar when she gets home. I leave my wine on the coffee table and run upstairs to change into something comfy. I decide to take a quick shower and when I'm in the middle of washing my heat I hear my doorbell going off. I rush to the front door in only a towel and soap dripping down my body. I open the door and see Scarlett standing there with a pout on her face.
"You didn't leave it unloc-woah maybe you should lock the door more often" she says smirking
"Yeah yeah I'm sorry about that though." I need to get her a key. I think to myself.
"Let me finish up in the shower. I left a wine glass out for you." I say as I jog back up the stairs. She follows me up and says she's going to jump in the shower as well. I figure I have a little time then and finish rinsing off while I do my skincare. I change into my favorite Colombia Law hoodie and some black sweatpants. I walk downstairs and plop myself down on the couch and hit my remote for my record player to turn on. I sip on my wine while listening to frank Sinatra kind of zoning out thinking about my work day. That is until I feel a pair of arms wrap around my shoulders and a raspy voice say "hi, how was your day?"
"It was long and I worked too hard. This glass of wine is very much deserved." I say with a sigh
"I hear ya, I shot the same scene today 18 times because Evans kept laughing because I said but" she chuckles as she take a large sip of her wine. I crack up thinking of how annoyed Scarlett probably got. She looks up at me while I'm laughing and I see a twinkle in her eyes I can't really describe. The way she looks at me makes me feel like a million bucks. I again get lost in her eyes and can now hear my heart beating faster.

Scarlett's POV
I'm getting lost in y/ns blue eyes again. That feeling of bubbly happy emotions comes back to me and I can't help but think I was meant to meet her. She was meant to be in my life. She's so suave. The way she's sitting back on the couch. One leg crossed while she balances her wine glass in her hand bopping her head to the beat of the music that's on. I could stare at her all day long.
My thoughts are interrupting when y/n stands up and grabs my hand yanking me up.
"What are you doing!?" I squeal.
"Dancing Johansson, ever heard of it?" She laughs as she wraps her arm around my waist and grabs my hand to lead me into the center of the living room. She whisks me around spinning me and dipping to the song of Fly me to the Moon. I can't help be laugh each time she spins me. She makes me feel like a little kid running through a candy store. On the last spin she catches me close to her chest and smiles down at me while catching her breath.
"You got some moves there Johansson, remind me to find you the next one I'm entered in a dance contest." She says like that actually happens a lot.
"I'm a woman of many talents." I say and wink.
It's like time suddenly stands still  and everything starts to move in slow motion. She starts to lean in as she glances from my lips back to my eyes silently asking to continue. Before she can though I put my hand on her chest and take a small step back.
"Crap I'm sorry. Something just came over me. Your Like a magnet I couldn't back away from." She says shyly turning around to walk away from me and back to the couch.
"Fuck it" I say quietly as I take long strides to reach her fast. I spin her around and place my hands on the sides of her cheeks. I make the move this time and crash my lips against hers. I see fireworks go off behind my eye lids and my body has tingles all though out it. It's a perfect puzzle piece as our lips mesh together. She swipes her younger along my bottom lip asking for entrance which I deny. Then I gasp as she squeezes me ass and her other arm snakes tighter around my waist. She uses that to slip her tongue into my mouth and explore it. We're fighting for dominance and it is turning me on so much. We eventually have to pull away due to lack of oxygen but not before she pulls my bottom lip with her as she leans back and releases it with a pop. We're both panting while staring at each other until y/n breaks the silence.
"Wow" she says and a small smile appears on her face.
"Wow is right." I chuckle. That was probably the best kiss I've ever had. My lips are still tingling and my body is on fire.
"We should talk about that." Y/n says quietly looking anywhere but at me.
"Oh uh s-sure." I say questiongly.
She gives me a lopsided smile as I look at her adoringly. That might be my favorite smile.
"Well um I just want you to make sure this is what you want. I care about you and I'm not sure when my little crush on you turned into a full blown liking but I can't get you out of my head. Your all I think about. And I don't know if you can tell but you and your amazing daughter have brought this joy into my life. You guys give me a new meaning to MY life." She says timidly while holding my hands. I can't believe she likes me. Someone as cool and hot as her. I've been hesitant on my feelings. I just got out of this awful marriage am I ready to jump back into things? But I can't just let these feelings go to waste right? I owe it to myself to atleast see what could come from this.
"Y/n I'm so happy to hear you say that. You brought me out of my dark hole I was in. I might have only known you for a short time but it feels like we have been connected our whole life. You make me feel safe and cared for unlike I've ever felt with anyone before. I guess what I'm trying to say is I really like you too. "I stumble out.
"But I think we should take it slow. I don't want to hurt you and especially rose. It might be confusing if I'm suddenly not around anymore." She explains and my heart swells just at the fact she thought about my Rosie.
"That's fine with me. As long as I get to take you out on some dates." I state teasingly.
"Well why don't you ask me first?" She taunts back.
I chuckle a little before saying "y/n would you do me the pleasure of joking me on a date next week?" I ask her in my best suave voice.
She laughs and says "hmm I'll have to check my schedule."
And I quirk my eyebrows and gasp in surprise. I use my mom stare on her and see her slowly start to rise off the couch and back away. "What's the matter babes? Afraid to talk to me like that?" I ask teasingly. "Please I love when you have an attitude, it'll give me a reason to punish you." I say somewhat confused by my own confidence. She smirks and bellows out an evil laugh as she runs up the stairs with ne following close behind her. I manage to catch her at the top step and wrap her in a hug.
"Can't run away forever yaknow." I chuckled
"I enjoy being chased" she winked as she escaped my grasp and walked up to the roof access and turned around when she got to the roof door waiting for me. I followed her up and she grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together while leading me to the other side of the roof around a small Firepit with giant couch and a cool hanging chair. She plopped down in front of the Firepit turning it on and patted the seat next to her. I sat down close to her, and she wrapped an arm around my back.
"We should probably go to sleep soon but I forgot I never showed you this area. I sit out here some nights just thinking or even working." She starts to say. "Usually you can hear all the other people in the city with their parties or music but tonight they must know I needed the quietness." She laughs.
"It's a beautiful spot. I can see why you like to think out here." I say to her
She slowly looks at me and tilts my chin up to look her in the eyes. She closes out gap and leave a gentle sweet kiss on my lips. I feel sparks again and it's such a soft yet passionate kiss. We both pull back and rest our heads on each other. Just enjoying the moment and then peacefulness of the wind whipping around us and the fire carefully blazing higher.
"I was thinking I need to go back to my house soon. I still have a lot of clothes and items I want to get and I'll probably have to list it for sale soon" not wanteding to break the comfortable silence but I know I can talk to her about anything.
"Ofcourse I can help you if you want?" She asks
"I'd love the help. I don't think I'm ready to not be by your side yet." I confess
"That's perfect because I'm not ready to let you go." She says she she wraps her arms under my legs and around my waist and lifts me up. She somehow shuts the Firepit off with one hand and Carrie's me bridal style back down stairs to her bedroom. She places me on the bed with a quick forehead kiss and says she will be out of the bathroom in a second. I don't bother to do my nighttime routine knowing I'll regret it but instead snuggle up under her covers waiting for her. She comes back out of the bathroom and snuggles up next to me under her covers. She wraps her arm around my stomach and the butterflies in there start to go crazy. I finally relax next to her and we both drift off to sleep.

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