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Y/ns POV
I wake up early the next morning with Scarlett in my arms. God it's so good to have her home. Last night she told me she was pregnant and even though it's really really early, just her getting blood work back confirming she was pregnant was enough to get us both excited. I quietly sneak out of bed and go downstairs to make breakfast. I want to spoil her with breakfast in bed, and what better way then pancakes with all the fixings and sides!

The first thing I do once I go into the kitchen is take my pills and check my blood sugar. After doing that, and seeing it's normal, I can start to cook. I quietly try to make everything and I'm doing good. Pancakes are almost done and the bacon just came off the stove. I already have her fresh squeezed orange juice sitting on the chair along with a decaf coffee. I read that caffeine isn't good for the baby so that's what she gets. I place the finished pancakes on a plate and put some whip cream and strawberries on top and put the small pourer full of syrup on the tray as well. I grab utensils and napkins before I balance it all and walk upstairs. I enter the room seeing she's still asleep and I slide the tray on to my nightstand and climb back into bed.

"Morning sleepyhead, I made you some breakfast" I say softly while clearing her face of all the hair that fell infront of it.

"Mmm morning baby" she smiles in her sleepy voice and I can finally confirm I'm ready for heaven after hearing that. I grab the tray and place it over her lap. It stands on its legs on either side of her waist and she hums sitting up more looking it over.

"Wow! You made all this? I didn't even hear you get out of bed." She asks and takes a sip of her orange juice.

"Just something delicious for you to wake up too my love." I say and that earns me a kiss on the lips. I can taste the bacon and smile because she seems to be enjoying her food.

"Do you have to work today?" She asks from the bed as I'm putting some deodorant on and brushing through my hair.

"It is Thursday, so I do my love. But Im taking off tomorrow so we can go pick up Rose." I say and she nods.

We are going to fly to New York this weekend, to pick up Rose! Since Scarlett is done filming a month early, and Rose has soccer practices starting up finally and school soon enough, Romain agreed for her to come back early. But we had to meet them in New York since he had an event there. Which isn't a problem for us, and I lined up an awesome surprise for Rose once we get her.

"Black or blue?" I ask Scarlett holding up two shirts.

"Blue, it matches your eyes" she says and I slip the blue shirt on and tuck it into my pants. I don't grab the blazer since it's hot out but I roll the sleeves to my elbows on both sides. I throw on a couple layered necklaces and rings and then turn back around to Scarlett. I flip my hair from one side to the other and pose. "Good? It matches?" I ask and she smiles and nods. "You look gorgeous baby. Call me on lunch okay? I'm going to try to make plans with lizzie until you get home" she says and I nod. I almost forgot me and Lizzie haven't talked. Scarlett must pick up on my quietness cause she tilts her head like she is searching for something with her mom radar and knows something's off.

"You called her yesterday right?" She asks me and I smile shyly.

"In my defense, I came home and got bombarded by Robert, then came back home and you were here. So no I haven't called her" I explain

"Babe what's going on between you two? She said she hasn't spoken to you in weeks and you only give her one word answers in texts." Scarlett's asks concerned.

I run my hands through my hair and sigh. I have to be truthful with her. "Robbie. He um he asked me to give Lizzie some space." I say and she stands up to come infront of me.

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