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I walk into the LAPD precinct closest to Lizzie's house and right up to the front desk. "Here for someone who was arrested. Robbie Arnett"

"Sorry he's not been processed yet."

"I'm his lawyer representative, I need to speak with him. Are you going to deny him the right to an attorney?" I ask and the big fat white man behind the desk rolls his eyes.

"ID please." He states and I give him my ID. He gives me back the ID with a visitors pass and the door buzzes open for me to go through. Not like I know where I'm going but this place isn't that big so I'm sure I can find the holding cell. When I round a corner I bump right into an officer.

"I'm so sorry"

"Crap me too, y/n?" I hear and look up into the eyes of my favorite officer.

"Jenny!?" I say excitedly. "What are you doing here and not in Chicago!" I ask

"I transferred here 4 years ago. My mom got sick and needed more help." She says

"Oh I'm so sorry." I say

"Don't be she's doing better now. What are you doing here? You don't work with Anna anymore?" She asks

"Nah I got married, moved out here and teamed up with John Branca. Although I can't seem to lose Anna" I say with a laugh

"Wow that's awesome. Good for you y/n. Why are you here? Representing someone?" She asks

"Kind of. A friends husband got taken away this morning for a silly assault. A fight during basketball." I say

"Oh yeah I heard about that. Follow me let me get you his report." She says making me follow her around a wall to a computer that's mounted to the wall. She hands me a paper that comes out of a printer and I scan it over. It says since he's been arrested for a DUI and an assault when he was 17 they are booking him with felony assault.

"Felony assault for a punch in the face?" I ask Jenny.

"Priors. He has priors." She states.

"Still bullshit. Can I see him?" I ask and she nods showing me to the cell. Robbie is sitting on the bench against the wall with his head back leaning on the wall and he eyes closed.

"Arnett" Jenny snaps and Robbie pops up walking to the door of the cell. "Y/n thank god your here" he says "they are going to put me infront of a judge soon. What do I say?" He asks frantic.

I look over to Jenny and she knows I'm allowed privacy so she leaves us alone in the hallway. Although I'd like a room, this will have to do.
"I need you to tell me what happened."

"Basketball, Thursday nights. Normal group. Tony arrived, heated. Going off about his car got dented and his boss gave him a huge assignment that's going to take a while. We just started playing and he seemed to settle down with everyone except me. He kept fouling me hard. And anytime I went in the lane, he bumped with me hard. I shrugged it off but then he started making comments. Like my music sucks and shit, which I can take. But then he brought Lizzie into it. Saying she's only with me because I play music but I once she finds someone better she'll leave. Then other nasty things about her and ones I am not going to even repeat because they are about my child, but I couldn't take it anymore so I hooked him. He immediately collapsed to the floor groaning about his neck and back while his nose was pouring blood all over the floor. He didn't even touch his nose. He made Frank call an ambulance and everything. Next thing I know LAPD is at our front door arresting me." He explains and he explains it well.

"Okay so listen to me. I'm going to plead you as guilty with reasoning."

"What no! Not guilty ."

"Relax. We're going to explain to the judge what happened and you're not going to leave out the nasty details. It will help." I say and he nods his head.

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